"brother" 2p Germany x OC

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This is probably real shitty and all. Next chapter is a lemon, just wanting. Also guys pleas request!

I hummed as I walked around the house wearing short running shorts and a baggy shirt. I had my long thick hair down and it was nice to be alone for the next month. I suddenly heard heavy metal music blasting up stairs and sighed... well I'm almost alone. The folks left me and my brother here because they do a lot of over seas work. I wonder why the adopted me in the first place though, they're all German, blonde hair, pale skin, pretty blue and purple eyes. Then you got me over here like Long thick messy dark brown hair that's naturally curly, Carmel brown skin, black eyes. Not to mention I was short and curvy. I sighed and walked up stairs and knocked on his door "Lutz!!!" He didn't answer at all. I grunted contemplating wether I should go in or not.. I shrugged and opened the door and stopped when I saw him standing in his boxers and nothing else. I huffed and walked over to the stereo "Keep it down stupid." I walked out shutting his door. God, my step brother sure was hot. I shrugged and sat on the couch and watched tv. He came down stairs now with pants on but still have no shirt on so it showed off his v-lines. Damn it Jay! Stop being a pervert!!! I huffed slightly and he came in and sat down on the opposite couch with cereal "Vhat are jou watching?" I shrugged "Porn." He rolled his eyes and I smirked "Just some funny comedy show." He nodded and watched with me until my phone rang. I picked it up and saw it was Andres(2p Spain). I grunted, andres and I had been dating for a while but Things had gotten complicated, especially with lutz always shoving him away from me. I picked up the phone speaking Spanish "Hola?" Since both Andres and I spoke Spanish we usually spoke to each other in Spanish. Lutz occasionally looked at me spoke... I sighed "Bein, bein. Buenos noches." I hung up and sighed "I'll be back later lutz." I got up and walked up stairs. I changed into some short black jeans and a long sleeve shirt tat was black on top. I did my make up which was eye liner and mascara and then put on my earrings. I pulled on my shoes and walked down stairs and lutz asked "Vhere are jou going?" I shrugged "To meet Andres. Anyways, call me if you need anything." He grunted seemingly pissed off. I walked out and got into my car and drove to Andres house. Once there he greeted me and we decided to talk things out. We both settled out our problems but decided to have an open relationship for the time being and through this conversation ended up leading to all of our clothes on the floor and me ridding him on the couch while he talked dirty and slammed into me. After we both came and we kissed for a while until my phone started ringing. I grunted and huffed "It's lutz." Andres still had me on his lap and we were both still naked but he was smoking now "Man, for your brother he sure is clingy to you." I nodded "Tell me about it." I answered the phone "Hey what's up?" Lutz huffed "You've been out for hours. Don't you think you should come home?" I growled slightly unintentionally tightening around Andres. Andres laughed "That felt good on my dick." I shoved my hand in his face and I said to Lutz "I'll be back shortly. You don't need to worry about me." I hung up and Andres complained "Do you really have to go?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and shoulders and kissed him "Sorry, but yes I do." He kissed back "I'll see you later alright princessa?" I nodded "Of course Miel." I went to the bathroom and cleaned up, I pulled on my clothes and everything and walked back out to my car after kissing Andres goodbye and hearing him say "See ya later." I drove back to my house and parked my car and sighed dragging my hand through my hair and got it and entered the house. I called out "Lutz! I'm home!" I didn't receive and answer through. I huffed, first he's rushing me to come home and now he doesn't even say hello when I'm here?? That's unlike him I walked up stairs "Lutz?? Where the hell are you?" No response again... I asked more to my myself "Are you okay?? I'm worried now..." I walked into his room where his door was opened. Once I was in his room I walked up to his bed but whipped around when the door closed and locked! I saw lutz standing there and I grunted "What the hell man?? I was actually worried there for a sec." he remained serious though "So vhat did jou and Andres do?" I shrugged "Talked things out about our relationship. In the end we decided to still be together but have an open relationship." I sighed "He's confusing as crap." Lutz came up to me in an aggressive manner "Jou two had sex didn't jou?" I screamed "What?! No!!! What makes you say that?!" My brain went back to that erotic comment Andres said out loud when lutz called... aw shit... lutz growled "Vell vhat else can be happening vhen I hear him say that something felt good on his dick??" I began to blush "Okay! You got me but please don't tell mom and dad!!! He rolled his eyes "I'm not pissed about zhe fact jou had sex!" I raised an eyebrow "Wait then why are you pissed??" His fish clenched "Because I've had a giant crush on jou for a long time but jou never even batt an eyelash towards me!" I blinked "Uh... but lutz... were brother and sister..." he huffed "Because jou vere adopted into zhis family, but do jou really feel like ve're jour actual family or more like close friends??" Well he had a point there. His parents never spoke to my like I was there child, more like I was a guest, I guess that's what's happens when you adopt and young teenager and only have them around for a couple years. I huffed "But..." lutz crossed his arms "I know jou like Andres but he's an ass to you all the time in public! You deserve better then that!" I sighed "Lutz..." suddenly he pushed me back out his bed and got over me "Do jou really not feel anything towards me?" I began blushing "Its not that... it's just that, I'm not sure about any of this on anything. Not even about fully like Andres." Lutz grinned with he hands creeping up my shirt "Then let me have my turn and you can chose. Jou know us both vell but maybe a tied breaker is in order. Vhat do jou say?" I looked at him and he caught my eyes... I sighed "Yeah find..." I blushed slightly, I did think that lutz was attractive and when he wasn't pestering me about something he was usually pretty chill, and funny. My thoughts were stopped when lutz put his hands on either side of my head and kissed me. I kissed back dragging my hands up and under his shirt and touched his toned muscles and abs. He chuckled and sat up pulling off his shirt... He grabbed me and pulled me up and tore my shirt upwards!!! He made quick work with throwing away my bra onto his bed room floor. He pinned my down and began to leave hungry kisses down my chest "Heh, you're more eager then I thought." He sat up and leaned closer to my face and whispered "I zhink about Jou all zhe time..." he undid my pants and slide one hand down my pants making me give him a nervous look "Uh... lutz." He grinned "Vhy so shy?" I huffed "What do you think I'm a whore?? Andres was the first guy I've had sex with and even then we've only done it 3 times..." he chuckled "Relax, I'm not doing zhis out of lust." I huffed with my arms still crossed and he suddenly pushed two fingers into me making me bite my lip... he kissed down my chest smirking "From zhe vay it feels, it still feels like jou're a virgin." He lightly bit my right nipple and licked it making me whimper and squirm around slightly. He chuckled "Jou know..." he sat up still pumping his fingers into me at a slow pace but fast enough to give stimulation "I sometimes here Jou late at night when your pleasuring jourself." He left bites on my neck and whispered "When I hear jou moan my name." I blushed heavily "I'm sorry..." he chuckled and pulled off my shorts "Don't be, it just made it all the more easier for me to cum." I blushed... he was good at dirty talking, Andres never did that. He left bites and hickies all down my chest and stomach... he grabbed my thighs and squeezed them slight and massaged my thighs slowly and left sloppy kisses on my inner thighs... god I was actually pretty turned on... he held my legs open and kissed my core and then tangled his tongue into it. I bit my lip panting a bit... he chuckled and I felt his breath "Let me guess, Andres hasn't even bothered to treat Jou like zhis in bed. He just gets right to zhe part he likes." I stayed quiet, why was he suddenly making so many good points?

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