Brothers!-Hidan x Reader x Kakashi!

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For a second, let's enjoy Kakashi and Hidan being brothers, and they both like reader-chan!

I rolled my eyes as Hidan complained about walking too much to Kakuzu.... Sometimes he really is a little bitch. Kakuzu sighed "(Y/n), I want to know how you deal with him." Hidan glared "HEY!" Kakuzu said in an almost begging tone "I will literally pay you to tell me your secret." I chuckled and Hidan started cursing and yelling. Even if it doesn't seem like it, this was actually the way Kakuzu liked to joke around. He's an awkward little old bug, but he is still good. Right now he was carrying a body and we were heading right towards the collection office to get money. I suddenly sensed people coming towards in a fast manner... I warned "Hidan, Kakuzu, people are coming towards us." See, I was like a warning system because I could feel heart beats and the way someone's blood circulated, how much metal is on their bodies and if they have a bad habit like smoking or drinking, also I can pick up at close rang on electrical impulses on their brain and I can make a move before they can. Kakuzu sighed "Can't get a break today." He set the body down and I Jumped into the trees as Hidan and Kakuzu stood there waiting... After a few moments leaf ninja appeared. One actually kinda looked like Hidan with the same silver hair though, he didn't put it back like Hidan did. Hidan glared "Look at what the bitch dragged in." The silver haired man went simply "Hidan." One of the other guys growled "Enough talk!" He threw a kunai and I threw a senbon needle and deflected the kunai away from Hidan. This cause a few to look around with a glare realizing a third Akatsuki member among them. Hidan snickered "Babe! Come down!" I sighed and jumped down and landed next to Hidan. He hugged me "Since mom and dad are gone this is the closest your gonna get to meeting my bitch family." He pointed to the silver haired man "That's my bitch boy brother! Kakashi!" Kakashi stared at me... I blinked "Hey there, my name is Jay. I keep Hidan in line." Another guy huffed "I'm surprised you murders are capable of holding such a relationship." I smirked "Bad girl need love too." I appeared in front of him and kicked him so hard he went flying through the tree! I appeared in front of another female ninja and punched her into the ground!!! I appeared in front of Kakashi and slammed him against the tree by his throat... I asked "Hidan?? What do I do with him??" Hidan shrugged "Uh... Just knock the fucker out." I nodded and lifted my fist back and said shrugging "Sorry we couldn't meet on better terms." His cheeks were red slightly which puzzled me. I knocked him out and dropped his body. Kakuzu patted my head "You make my life easier." Hidan yanked me to his side "Don't touch my girl!!! Older fuck!" Kakuzu pointed "To which you make my life harder." I chuckled and kissed Hidan's cheek and he actually became flustered as Kakuzu walked off, and Hidan was giggling like a school girl. One of my favorite things is that only I can draw this Side of him out.... I truly love this man.

[Time skip]
I yawned as I walked around a market in normal clothing... For once I'd like to be normal. I was squishing mangos to see which one were ripe when a voice chuckled beside me "Trying to hide?" I looked up to see Kakashi.... I shrugged picking two "No, just getting food. Because even if I am I criminal I'm still human." I started walking off and Kakashi walked beside me "You aren't gonna attack me?" I kept my calm face and kept looking for more things I wanted "Not unless you attack me." As I shopped around Kakashi followed me around like a lost puppy. It was annoying to me honest. Out of the blue Kakashi asked "Why are you even with a guy like Hidan?" I smiled at my answer "Because I love him, and he loves me. Sure he's annoying with his religion, and he curses like there's no tomorrow, and sometimes he's a bit broken, but he's still good. And he tries to be a good boyfriend and meaningful to me." It was true, like on my birthday! I didn't even know Hidan knew my birthday but I woke up to some flowers beside my bed. Then Hidan came on with break fast on a tray with my favorite type of fruit and pancakes, I didn't even knew he paid attention to what I liked and disliked. He was very red through the whole thing and admitted that he bugged Konan to make everything food wise because he would burn down the hide out. Still he knew what I liked so I was still very happy! Kakashi pinned me to the wall in an empty ally way. I glared "Excuse you." He huffed "I could treat you so much better. Why don't you ditch Hidan and come with me??" I shook my head "No-" he pulled his mask down and kissed me!!!! My eyes went wide and angry filled me and I punched him with chakra in my first and he went flying back into the fence! I huffed like an angry bull "Take rejection like a man and be respectful! Besides!!! In a few months your brother is going to need you!!!" He gave me and odd look and I switched from walking to jumping across the roofs. I made it back to the hide out and went to the parts that me, Hidan, and Kakuzu occupy. I put all the stuff in the fridge and began to make dinner. I finished and now we're all sitting at the table... I said "Uh, about your brother Hidan..." He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow "Is that why there so much fucking tension right now?? I don't get angry about my bitch brother." I said awkwardly rubbing my head "Well while I was out shopping he found me and begged me to leave you for him and kissed me." Kakuzu and him froze and Kakuzu started snickering and Hidan went blood red with anger. He growled clenching his chop sticks "IM GONNA FUCKING KILL HIM!!! AND YOU JUST FUCKING LET HIM?!?" I complained "Hey! I rejected him! And then punched him through a fence!" Hidan accused me "So are you gonna fucking leave me for my hero brother?!" I yelled "No! I would never leave you! I love you!!!" Hidan rolled his eyes "Yeah fucking right!" Anger hit me and I didn't think before I spoke "I DO LOVE YOU!!! THATS WHY IM PREGNANT WITH YOUR GOD DAMN KID!" Hidan stared "BULLSHI- what....?" Kakuzu looked at me wide eyes and I sat back on my butt and glared at the ground... FUCK. I growled "You heard me... I don't know how it happened but... I'm carrying your child." Kakuzu grabbed his food "I'll be in my room." He bolted off and I sighed with tears pricking my eyes because Hidan wasn't saying anything back... He asked quietly "So... Your happy or??" I complained glaring at him with tears brimming my eyes "Of course I'm happy. Even if you don't want the kid I do." Hidan said "Hold the fuck up! Who said I didn't want the kid?" I yelled back "Well your time right now towards it doesn't sound all that happy!" He flailed his arms "BECAUSE MY BROTHER HAS EYES FOR YOU AND HES ACTUALLY A DECENT GUY!!!" I chuckled "But I love you." He crossed his arms "I love you too! And now I'm excited as FUCK! To have a kid!!!" He stood up and pulled me up and kissed me "You know what this fucking means right??" I raised and eyebrow "Kakashi will absolutely never have me??" Hidan snickered "That! And that we should get married soon babe!!!" I asked surprised "Married? You actually??" Hidan held up a ring "I was already planning fucking planning to already!" I got stars in my eyes and he put it on my finger and he gave me a big kiss and said gasping "WHAT IF I GET A PRINCESS?!?" I poker faces...
"Hidan calm down."

A/n:This took an unexpected turn.

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