Captain America x OC part 1

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I yawned as I sat at a table in an empty room... I leaned back and crossed my arms as some dude with an eye patch came in and sat across from me. He asked "Do you know why your here?" I looked at him chuckling "You send men into my apartment, they ambush me and beat the shit out of me, cover my head with a fucking bag, and you expect me to fucking know why the hell in here??" He said "I understand it was unnecessary what the did-" I said with my voice raising in anger "Your damn right it was Unnecessary!!! Is it cause I'm Mexican??? Is it cause they think I'm some sort of monster that won't listen to reason?? Do you honestly think that I'm some sort of wild animal?!" He shook his head "I looked at your papers and you are very smart." I nodded "Yeah so you coulda just come to my house, knocked on my door and asked to speak with me. And I swear to god if I ever see any of those men again I will rip their throats out." I gripped the metal table and left dent marks in it. I shook my head and leaned back letting go of the table "Now say what you want before I walk outta here." He tried not to glare at me but I saw. He asked "You've heard of the avengers correct?" I nodded "One of my teachers was fascinated with the group of extraordinary people. He would go on for hours about them." He said "Well you are eligible to become one. If you'd like." I asked "Catch?" He said "You can't hurt anyone unless we give you the orders to." I huffed "You know I'm basically a walking biohazard subject right?? It's not my fault if my blood gets on someone and they die." He shot back "But your body has also formulated a cure that can't be made by any doctor. So you can very well save them." I shrugged "I could, but most days I feel like a bitch." He said "You must agree to these terms and conditions. Then you'll be an avenger and you'll be living with them in stark tower." I grabbed the papers as he slid them to me... I pursed my lips reading over them... I sighed "Fine, I agree to these terms and conditions." Of course I would have no problem breaking the rules if needed but pretty sure he knows that. He nodded and said "Good. Welcome to the team." I nodded and he took me to stark tower where the avengers were already waiting there for us. He said "Avengers I'd like to meet Jay Post." I crossed my arms still quite displeased with how this whole thing was handled. He eventually left and Thor smacked my back making me double over in pain... Ohhhh lord. He doesn't know that I'm hurt, he doesn't need to be hurt. I stood up taking in a sharp breath "Please don't touch me for a while." Steve asked "What's wrong??" I growled holding my arm slightly "Some stupid shield agents freaking beat the crap out of me!!" Natasha said "Oh! Blood is seeping through your shirt." I growled "If I ever see them I'm gonna kill them." I'm am just a little ball of hate. Bruce said "I can heal you up if you'd like?" I nodded and walked with him and Steve walked with us to make sure I was okay. Bruce said "They really did a number on you." I huffed "I served I the army for I don't know how long and been a cop of this city for even longer and that's how they treat me??" Steve asked "You served?" I nodded smiling "It was my moms dream to see me graduate from basic training and see me standing in that uniform. Plus I just liked the whole system!" I winced as Bruce pressed on my side and pain ripple through my body. He said "Sorry, I'm not meaning to hurt you." I said smiling lazily at him "It's fine." Steve asked "So what are you?" I shrugged "Uhhh, Welp, it's all genetics really. Um, my blood is toxic and will kill any one or thing that it touches, If you want to survive then I would have to bite through your skin somewhere because my body makes the cure. Then I'm super strong, durable, fast. Plus I got determination like no other!" Bruce asked "No side affects?" I chuckled "Ohhh there are side affects." Steven asked "Like what?" I shrugged "I over hear sometimes to the point where I get sick, the. Because if the whole blood thing I have a super strong immune system and can't get sick of any disease ever but in turn it affected the female side of the family and we hit our period later then usual but have a shorter amount of time to have kids and by 39-40 we can't have kids anymore. My time is short." Bruce chuckled "Surprising that someone in this place actually wants to have kids still." I shrugged "I may curse a lot, and I may be aggressive at times, but like any other girl I want to find a good husband and have kids and settle down. But with my life now it's hard." Steven smiled "Wouldn't it be hard anyways." I nodded smiling back at him "Yeah. It would be..." Staying here might not be so bad...

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