Russia x OC (Part 2) [LEMON]

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[Time skip]
Russia was heading out for a meeting and I handed him his coat. He smiled "Thank you sunflower." I handed him a small box and huffed "I made you something to eat too... Since you missed breakfast." He took it smiling brighter then I've ever seen! He pulled me closer and kissed me!!! Latvia WAS STANDING RIGHT FUCKING THERE!!!!! I hit Russia over the head making him complain "Ow! Sunflower!" I growled walking off... I heard him leave and I yelled "WHAT THE FUCK?!? WHO THE FUCK DOES HE THINK HE IS?!??" Estonia asked coming down stairs "What happened??" Latvia said spilling it "Sir Russia kissed Ms. Venezuela on The lips!" Estonia asked surprised "Really?" I growled getting and irk Mark "THE NERVE OF THAF GIANT ASS RUSSIAN!" Lithuania shrugged sitting on the couch "It doesn't surprise me. When he forces me to go on walks with him he talks about you all the time." I crossed my arms "Still doesn't give the guy a right to kiss me!"

[Russia's pov]
I got into my car and the drive started driving towards the meeting house. I rubbed my head slightly and felt the knot that Venezuela left on my head... What a woman my little sunflower is. I got there and exited the car and walked into the meeting house still holding the little breakfast box she made me. I took my seat between France and Spain. America came over "Hey dude! What's that???" He pointed at the box and I opened it letting him see the food. Him, Spain, France, Britain, and Germany's mouths watered at me food and I smiled innocently yet pridefully as I began rummaging through it trying to decide what to eat first. France asked "Who made that??" I smiled "Venezuela. She made me this since I slept in this morning and didn't get to eat breakfast." Spain huffed "She should be living with me!!" I chuckled "But you forced her into war. Plus it was my goal the whole time to get her! She is the crown jewel of my nation! She is mine." Germany huffed "I heard from Lithuania that she yells at you a lot and actually shows a lot of hate towards you." I smiled shrugging "It's just how she expresses love." A little note fell out and I smiled as it just said simply Love Vene. And it had little sun flowers and stars doodled all around it. France huffed "I wish I had someone like that at my home!!!" Alfred complained "Me too!" They eventually let off and I finished my food and kept the note in my front pocket... She doesn't like showing her affection in front of others but that's okay. I still love her!

[Venezuela's pov]
I sighed as I stood in front of the sink washing dishes. We had just finished dinner but Russia wasn't back yet... Oh! I forgot to finish cleaning his room! I heard the front door open and I continued to wash dishes. Russia came in through the door and grabbed the plate I left out for him and put it in the microwave. I wasn't paying attention when he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder... He kissed my shoulder "Thank you for the beautiful breakfast sunflower." I nodded "It's whatever." He got his food and began eating and I could feel him staring at me. Like he was undressing me with his eyes... Suddenly he asked "How do you feel about me?" I shrugged "Why?" He hummed "Because I want to know. The others fear me, like everyone else." I said still not looking at him "You know full and well I don't fear you." He set his plate down and turned the water off and grabbed me by my cheeks "Look at me when your speaking to me. Now answer my question. No one likes me, I want to know if your the same." I swatted his hand away from my face and dried my hands off "Russia, if I didn't care about you, I wouldn't make you break fast in the morning on daily bases, I wouldn't save you dinner and stay up waiting for you to get home when you get here late, and I most certainly wouldn't include little notes with all those meals. But I do. I care about you, I want to make sure you feel safe and I know a lot of people don't like you or feel scared but I don't want you to feel left out or forgotten." I pulled him down by his coat slightly and kissed his cheek. I huffed glaring "I love you and your stupid face." He smiled and kissed me on my lips... I pulled away and huffed "Now I have to go finish cleaning your room. Ya nasty!" I walked out of his kitchen and walked up stairs and into his room. His house was pretty big... I entered his room and finished putting things back in their place... I made his bed and just as I put the last sheet on top of his bed but suddenly felt hands on my hips!!! I yelped slightly and turned my head seeing Russia. I huffed "I should tie a bell around your neck." He chuckled and said "I'm just glade you feel the same way I do." I asked as I bent over to smoothen out the sheet not realizing how the position it put me in with Russia since he was right behind me "What do you mean Russia?" He chuckled "Because I love you. So we both love each other." I chuckled not really paying attention to what he was doing "good." He said in a cheeky tone "So let's have fun." He pushed my dress exposing my ass and thighs to him I yelped trying to stand up "Hey-!!!" He put his hands on my back snickered "What is it sunflower?? Your not in the mood??" I glared "No! Now let me up." He shook his head "That won't do, but don't worry, I'll get you into it." He pushed my legs apart slightly and I felt his member between my tights. He pushed my legs together and hooked his finger around my underwear and moved it to the side so now his member was between my thighs and also touched my clit... This made me go bright red... He chuckled as he started thrusting his member between my thighs and clit "Ah, I love how thick your thighs are sun flower~" I bit my lip slightly... Shit this was hot as fuck and I was getting turned on...also it's true, I have big thighs but it's just because I work out and all... He chuckled spreading my thighs and ass "Your already getting wet! Good." He pulled my up and unzipped my dress "R-Russia!-" he turned me around and kissed me. His tongue once again invaded my mouth... My dress began to get looser and I slide my hands up his torso and undid his jacket and he let me slide of off of him. His hands went back to my dress and I took off his scarf. He had the worst habit of not wearing a shirt underneath his coat, I slide my hands into the waist line of his already opened pants... My dress was finally undone full and I stepped back and took my arms out and let it fall to the ground... Russia smiled "Beautiful sun flower." He took off his pants and underwear, his shoes were already left at the front door, he watched my as I took off my bra and underwear. He pulled me down and kissed down my chest... I giggled slightly causing him to look up "Sorry, it tickles." He smiled slightly and kissed each of my breast right on the nipples. He continued to kiss down my stomach and then opened my legs and kissed my clit, he began teasing me and I gripped the sheets slightly as I bit my lip... He was good at this... Seriously where did he learn to do this??? I tangle my hand in his hair and gripped his hair slightly as I let a small cry slip as I came!!! I was so embarrassed. He sat up and I bent down and took his member into my mouth... He let a groan slip out... He chuckled lightly and said "This time your eager to give me head." I glared at him slightly as I continued. I smirked slightly and deep throats him making him grip the sheets and he came!! I sat up wiping my mouth... He chuckled "You remember from last time how to take care of me." I huffed laying back "Just fuck me already." He got over me and whispered into my ear "With pleasure my dear sun flower, but I'm not going to go easy." I sighed "Oh well, I'll get over the pain." He said seriously "If it hurts too much then tell me. I don't want to push your body too hard." I nodded and he held one of my legs up and pushed himself in me AND HOLY SHIT THIS HURTS LIKE HELL! He put his hands on the inside of my knee and held my legs up and he started to slowly thrust back and forth. He huffed "You have to relax sunflower." I took in a breath and relaxed and he kept going and I grabbed the pillow behind my self and let out a moan! He let my legs down and put his hands in either side of me and began to thrust fast and a bit more roughly. He wanted to draw out more of my moans, and no matter how much I tried to keep them in I couldn't, this felt too good... He pulled out and made me turn around... He spread my ass and thighs again and pushed into me and this position was even better!!! I buried my face into the sheets as my toes curled from the pleasure!!! I felt his hand grab my hair tie and he yanked my hair tie out and my wild curly brown hair was now free. He smirked and whispered "You look so sexy Venezuela~" I blushed and he gripped my hips tightly and told me with his jaw clenched "I'm going to cum inside!" At this point I didn't care, I was on birth control anyways. He slammed into me harshly and paused momentarily as he came. I sighed and he laid back and pulled me over chuckling "You haven't cum yet sun flower." He pushed into me and I put my hands onto his chest and became a moaning mess at how good this felt. I head flicked back as I came!!! I he stopped thrusting into me and chuckled bringing me down "Your so cute when you cum." I complained "Don't say things like that!" He kissed me "Let's take a bath." I nodded and he went to the bathroom and turned on the water while on got clothes for both of us, I was just stealing a shirt from him. He came back with towels and I got into the bubbly goodness! He chuckled and got in across from me. The bathtubs was actually pretty big, he moved towards me and kissed me lovingly "I love you sun flower." I blushed again but smiled at him "I love you too Miel."


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