Prussia x Reader Part 2

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I rolled my eyes and sat down by the fire. It was quiet and I ate the bread in little pieces... I heard Prussia's stomach growl and tore off a big Piece of my bread and sighed looking at the fire "Here." He took it eagerly and shoved it in his mouth. I sighed "I swear if you keep eating like that your gonna start to choke-" suddenly he started coughing and holding his throat. I got an irk more standing up and yanking him up "Idiot! I told you didn't I?!" I hooked my arms around his stomach and yanked my connected fist back and did this two more times till the bread came fly out and he breathed again. I hit him over the head "Eat slower stupid! Or else you might die!" I sat down again in front of the fire and he walked off. He came back with two glasses and a wine bottle??" He snickered "Italy gave me zhis!!!" He sat down and poured two glasses... He held on up and I sighed and took it. He smiled "Zhis is a zhank jou for just now!" I rolled my eyes "Whatever." I sipped the wine. It was good... It was awkwardly quiet right now. Prussia said "Jou know... I'm sorry about that day I ruined your painting frua." I shrugged "It's not like it mattered." He nodded laughing in a manner and tone that I hadn't seen on him before, it sounded depressed and tired "Right right. Jou've hated me from zhe start..." I sighed setting my glass down "Prussia... I don't..." I trailed off... I was never good at expressing emotion "I mean... I didn't intend to...." I growled slightly... I looked at him to see his dark red eyes staring at me. I complained and said quickly "I don't hate you." He asked surprised "Really?" I nodded rubbing the back of my head "Yeah... Sure your annoying and can be rude sometimes but I never hated you." Prussia complained laying on his stomach towards me "Zhen vhy do you act like it frua?" I glared "Because your rude and don't know the meaning of the word modest. It irritates me to no end." He huffed looking at the fire "It's not like I mean to be zhat way. It's just impulse... I don't know how to act any other vay..." I sighed and he shrugged rolling to his back sitting up with his back facing me "I guess jou shouldn't vorry about it, it's how everyone act towards me... Even Ludwig..." He slummed down slightly, I felt bad now. I grabbed the back of his collar and pulled him back so that his head was in my lap. I looked down at him and ran my hand through his hair and kept my other hand on his chest and said "Gilbert, you may be overwhelmingly annoying but don't say that your used to it. That's not something people should be used to." He looked at me surprised. A little bird came flying in and landed on my head! I blinked "What?" The bird let out a chirp and Gilbert sat up snickering "Zhat's gilbird! He's like me! Awesome and powerful!" I rolled my eyes smiling a bit and patted Gilbert's head "If you say so." He blinked and then tackled me back words in a hug!!! Gilbird flew off and Prussia hugged me tightly "Does Zhis mean ve're friends frua?!" I sighed....

I'm gonna regret this.

"Yes." He stood up twirling me around "Haha!!! Zhis is awesome!!!" I rolled my eyes he set me down "Now let's get some beer flowing frua!!!"


I was sitting outside, it's actually nice out today. It's been a while since me and Gilbert became friends and he's still an annoying idiot but the difference now is that he's mine.

Wait, mine??

I stuck my tongue out and shook my head. It's no use in avoiding it, I like Gilbert, like doesn't even begin to express how I feel towards him. I hate that feeling with every fiber of my being. The said Prussian suddenly hooked his arms around my shoulders and leaned his head on my shoulders "Frua? Vhy are jou out here??" I shrugged "It's nice out right now." He complained "Come in side! Spain and France are here!" I asked getting up with him "Does Germany know?" Gilbert winked "Let's just keep Zhis between us frua." I rolled my eyes and we walked into the living room and Spain hugged me "Hey (C/n)! It's been a while huh??" I nodded and France came over and twirled me around! He dipped my and kissed down my neck "Ohohoh~ such a cute little thing! I wish I could have you living at my home!" Gilbert yanked me away from him and huffed "France!" France snickered as if he knew something... I was handed a glass of some alcohol by Spain "Drink up!" I sipped it and France kept getting clingy with me, with out warning France pulled me into his lap and kissed my cheek! Gilbert's face went red and he stood up and yanked me away from France and slung me over his shoulder!!! I complained "Prussia! Set me down this instant!" He kicked Spain and France out and finally let me down. Right went I was about to basically kill him, he leaned down and kissed me! My eyes went wide and he pulled away blushing while looking at me waiting for a response. I fist collided with his chest and fe tumbled back holding his chest "VHAT ZHE HELL?!" I yelled back with an irk Mark "I SHOULD BE YELLING THE SAME THING!" He pouted with a huff "I zhought girls liked it Vhen men are unexpected..." I stopped being angry with him and raised an eyebrow "Huh? No, I meant, explained yourself!" He stood up "Geez! How dense are jou frua?! I get jealous, I kiss jou and Jou're still confused?? I like you frua! I vant you to be mine! No one else's!" I pinched the bridge of my nose... He grinned "So vhat do you say Frua?" I grabbed his tie and pulled him to me and kissed him. I huffed with a red face as I pushed him away and coughed out with my arms crossed "Yeah well, I like you too..." He hugged me tightly and my glare intensified "Jou're so cute frua! I vill make all zhe other men jealous having such a beautiful woman by my side!!!" He nuzzled into the crook of my neck and my glare softened and I sighed contently and hugged him back.

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