Kakuzu x Pregnant reader.

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I hummed putting away dishes in the home that Kakuzu and I owned. I'm really grateful for all he's done for me. Though he's so worried about him not being a good father. He's always asking 'What if I set a bad example??' Or 'What if the child hates me??' I rolled my eyes smiling slightly "Such a worry wart..." I reached up putting a plate away... "hey! What are you doing?" I turned looking at Kakuzu... I shrugged weirdly "Uh... Putting away dishes??" I raised and eyebrow in confusion. He shook his head coming towards me "Let me take care of that." He put his hands on my swallowed belly "All of your energy goes here." I sweat dropped... He kissed me "Go on, go watch tv or something. I'll get you some (F/f) that you've been craving after I'm done." I sighed "Alright you convinced me." I went and sat down in the living room. I picked up a book and began reading it. After a few moments he came in with a plate of my favorite food that I had an unhealthy addiction to. He nodded "Eat all of it." I said leaning forward "Shit! You don't gotta tell me twice." He turned on the tv and sat beside me and I ate my food while he watched tv. There was a knock on the door and he got up "I got it." I rolled my eyes smiling slightly. I heard a loud voice "What's up fuckers??" I turned seeing Hidan. I waved "Hey Hidan." He nodded towards me. He said clapping his hands "Kakuzu tonight me and you are going drinking! And your not gonna skip out on me and the guys this time!!" Kakuzu shook his head "I can't. I have to stay with (Y/n)." I waved my hand as Hidan glared "Kakuzu go on with your friends. Don't let me tie you down." I always felt guilty I kept him from hanging out with his friends, mostly because his time with Hidan leased noticeably. Hidan nodded "Yeah, the bitch will be fucking fine!" Kakuzu glared at him "First of all, don't call my wife a bitch. Second, I said no. I'm not changing my mind." Hidan threw his hands up getting angry now "Come on! I don't know why you married the bitch in the first place! She's not even hot now being pregnant!" I hid behind the couch slightly... Kakuzu growled pointing "Get out damn it!!! I married her because I love her! And don't you dare think you can come in here and call the most beautiful woman I've ever met and disrespect her like that while she's carrying my child!!!" Hidan started "Kakuzu-" Kakuzu growled "Get out right now or I'll put you in the hospital." Hidan glared by huffed "Fucking fine! If you'd rather waste your damn like that way then fine!" He slammed the door on his way out... I frown "You don't always have to be with me... I don't want you to be tied down and kept from your friends..." Kakuzu huffed coming around the couch "I made the choice of being tied down the moment I got on my knee to ask for you to be my wife. I have no problem being with you, especially when your so close to giving birth to our child." He set his hand on my stomach "Don't ever listen to Hidan. He's just angry you have more of my attention then he does." I hummed still not feeling good about keeping him here "But it's been a while since you went out drinking with your friends, and Hidan is right about me not being attractive right now." He grunted shaking his head "No, right now you've never been more beautiful, except how you looked on your wedding day. But I'll always remember for the rest of my life, how beautiful you looked when you were carrying our first child." I laughed "Your a real flatter." He chuckled "As for drinking..." He hummed "Id rather not go getting drunk, or even buzzed. Last time that happen I hurt you didn't I? I sign ever want to risk hurting you again." I sighed and he hugged me "Don't feel bad about anything. I'm completely fine and happy staying here with you." I hugged him back and leaned my head in his chest... "Kakuzu?" He hummed "Hm?" I smiled "I love you." He kissed the top of my head "I love you too." I hugged him tighter... I love the life he's given me. I'm glad he's happy with the life I've given him...


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