Naruto Uzumaki

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I chuckled seeing my brother run around the field of flowers we had found near our village. It was a beautiful sunny day in the woods. Him, me, and my two step sisters had been sent out side by my father to enjoy the day. As you can imagine, just like everyone story with two step sisters and a step mother, I absolutely hate them. They're bratty, nasty, women. I protected my brother from them all the time and made sure he got the food he needed, the clothes he needed, and all that. Our father could careless how his wife and her children treat us, he's completely under her control and acts like it's not even happening. Suddenly I heard my brother scream! I stood up as did my two step sisters, he ran and hide behind me as I heard a growl! I looked up from him to see a wild mountain lion! I shoved my brother behind myself as I took a fighting stance! How the hell am I going to fight a damn mountain lion?? It let out a roar and I was prepared to protect my brother as it came towards me! Suddenly something tackled it out of the way! It was bright red! Wild for sure! I heard a Yelp from the mountain lion and suddenly it went limp... The much larger and bigger creature stood up on its back legs... It sorta looked human... It turned around and saw us... It did in fact look like a human, but sorta mixed with a fox. I looked down at its arm and saw four deep cuts in its arm, bleeding heavily... I swallowed thickly and made a "Hm." Sound as I slowly made my way towards it. One of my step sisters yelled "Are you crazy??" I said as I kept walking towards it in a cautious manner "He's hurt, and he just saved our lives. Be grateful." My other step sister glared while crossing her arms "Be grateful to that ugly beast?!" My brother yelled at them "If your not going to be nice then shut up!" They both looked very offended and I made to the beast... I asked "May I see your arm? I'd like to treat it." He let out a growl and lifted his heavy arm "You don't even have bandages." I grabbed a part of my dress and ripped it off. I heard my step sister yell angrily at me "Your going to be in so much trouble! Your ripping your dress, wasting all of our time, and all for that monster??" I yelled turning around "Leave now! I don't care! I hate your mother and I hate both of you!" They both turned and walked away muttering bad things about me. I sighed heavily turning around and began cleaning and wrapping his wound... I said "I'm sorry for my step sisters. They are ungrateful for everything." He grunted "Why are you afraid?" I shrugged "You saved my life, so I have no reason to fear you." He said showing his sharp teeth "I could have just been wanting to kill you myself." I chuckled and poked his nose "Then you would have attacked me already instead of letting me fix your arm." He blinked slightly scrunching his nose as I let my arm fall. I chuckled and said still holding his hand "Plus I don't care that you look the way you do. Your cute." He asked "Cute?" I nodded reaching up and scratching behind his ears and his foot began to shake slightly! I began to laugh and said "Yeah, cute." He began to smile slightly "Your the first person to ever see me that way since I was cursed." I shrugged "No big deal." He grabbed my hand "It is to me." He smiled at me "I want you to be mine!" I smiled slightly and began to blush "How about instead of being together right away, I'll come out here a few time every week and I'll meet you here in the evening? Then after we get to know each other more, we can date!" He smiled and nodded "I'd like that!" I nodded and said "Then it's settled every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday I'll come out here, then we can hang out and eat dinner together. Alright?" He smiled blushing slightly and I said smiling "Oh, I've never got your name? Mines (Y/n)!" He smiled "I'm Naruto!" I hugged him "Thank you..." He hugged me back and I said "I gotta go now but I'll see you on Monday! Okay?" He nodded and I ran back to the house and greeted my brother and then a scolding from my step mother....

[So many years later]
I sighed sitting in the kitchen and waited for the food to get done... I looked out the window... The sun was setting now... I smiled slightly, normally by now I'd be heading out to see Naruto. But recently he stopped coming to meet me so I don't even bother to go and see him. I felt pain in my chest and felt tears trying to come out from my eyes but I refused them. I haven't cried over a boy and I refuse to now. Even though I really loved Naruto. I never got to tell him, I was going to tell that I loved him the same day he never came, the  next day we were suppose to meet up I was going to tell him again but once again, he never came. So day after day I waited but not once did he come back. So I stopped going, now I'm trying to get him out of my head but nothing works. No one has wonderful blue eyes like him, or a bright smile like he did. My brother who was much older and mature now came into the house and a heavy sigh as I asked smiling "How'd the break up go??" He huffed "Terrible! I tried to let her down easy but then she started crying and oh my god it was terrible!" I chuckled slightly and said "Well if you didn't love her then it was the right thing to do, even if it hurt her." I said more applying to myself then him "It would have hurt a whole lots more if just suddenly one day you stopped speaking to her completely and she never knew why." He nodded sitting down as my two step sisters came in screaming slightly! Our step mother who was coming into the kitchen asked "Girl, why are you screaming like idiots?" I set the table for all of us and sat down as they did. One of them sneered at me "I thought we told you! Mutts aren't aloud to sit at the table." My brother huffed and muttered "She's more pure then you'll ever be. With all the guys you spend time with." I began to snicker as the other one said crossing her arms "Anyway! There was word that the knew prince just came into the village! They say he's looking for a bride!" I rolled my eyes slightly and she seemed to notice and glared "Care to share your opinion?" I said lazily "No...." This always angered her so she looked enraged by now. Suddenly a knock came at the door. My brother yelled standing "I got it!" I sighed sitting... I miss dad, but at the same time I don't because he never cared about me... Oh well. My brother came in "Guys... The new prince is here." Both of my sisters screamed getting up and running to the living room. I grabbed the plates and began washing them as I heard my brother yell "(Y/n)! Get in here!" I sighed wiping my hands off in my apron "No offense, but I have no interest in the prince, take one of the other girls in the room." I heard a chuckled as he stood up and turned around and my eyes widen... Those eyes! That smile! It was unmistakably Naruto but he was all human! No more Fox on him! I glared "And I want no part of you either." I huffed and began walking out of the house as I heard one of my sisters say "She's too ugly for a prince like you!" I heard Naruto say "Actually your both are too ugly for me." I heard my brother begin to laugh and smirked, that was a good one, I'll give him that. As I walked farther away from the house I heard Naruto yell "Wait! (Y/n)!" I turned around just as he came up to me and glared stomping towards him while poking his chest "You think after what you did you could just except me to still like you?! You are not that bright Naruto!" I turned back around walking again. Naruto said walking behind me "I'm sorry I stopped coming back! The curse was lifted once I realized something and then I was found and taken back to the castle! The whole time there though I only wanted to come back to you!" I said skeptically "Uh huh. Sure." He grabbed me and turned me around "You know why I was cursed?" I looked at him glaring slightly "Because I didn't love anyone and treated everyone badly." I huffed "I see it's a usual thing for you." He chuckled slightly "You know what broke it?" I raised an eyebrow "I realized I loved you. Because I treated you well, cared about you, and wanted you to stay with me. I never meant to leave you for so long. I love you." I let tears prick my eyes as I hugged tightly.... He hugged me back "I hate you!" He chuckled "That's nice." I glared up at him and he smiled brightly down at me... I leaned up surprisingly fast and kissed him. He kissed back smiling and I huffed "I love you too. I was going to tell you the day you never came." He frowned and hugged me "Sorry. But I can't make it up to you!" I glared "Like how?" He smiled and asked pulling out a fancy looking ring "Will you marry me?" I jumped up and down excitedly "Yes!!!" I suddenly stopped "But what about my brother? I don't want him living with those witches." Naruto chuckled "He can come and live In The castle with us!" I smiled and hugged him and he put the ring on my finger. We went back to the house and I said to my brother "Pack your bags! We're going to go live in the castle!" The girls I once called sisters and the woman I once called mother began to get excited and I shook my head "No no. You misunderstand. Me and him are going to go live with Naruto and live in a castle. You three will remain here and continue on with your lives with out us." My brother laughed and packed the few items we both owned. My sister yelled "What?!?" I asked snorting slightly "What did you expect after treating me like shit and calling him a monster when he was cursed?" Naruto nodded "I was that ugly monster in the woods that saved you all. And the one I love was the only one who offered to fix my wound." He kissed the top of my head and I smiled and said "Bro! Come on! Let's get out of this dump!" He came bouncing back down stairs and me and Naruto walked out as my brother yelled slamming the door "I would say until next time but I never what to see any of you ever again!" Naruto put his arm around me "From now on, you'll be treated like the queen you deserved to be." I hugged him tightly "All that's matters is that I have you."

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