Hidan x reader part 1

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Two kids ran down the side of the beach! Both of them laughing as they slowed down. Hidan asked "Did you see the look on that guys face??" His dearest friend (Y/n) nodded laughing with him "Yeah! That guy didn't even know what was coming!!!" Both children had been known to get into serious amount of trouble In the village. Hidan huffed "He deserved it! He made fun of me! He said I wasn't gonna become an awesome ninja!" (Y/n) huffed "Hey! I'm gonna be a great ninja too!!!" Hidan shook his head "No your not!" (Y/n) glared "What makes you think that?! I'm just as good as any boy!" Hidan shook his head "Your not gonna be a ninja because you'll already be my wife!!!" (Y/n) rolled her eyes "Hidan! I'm just 10 years old! I got too much to live for and too much I wanna do in life!" Hidan smiled and said "Well you can still do all that but I'm gonna marry you one day!" (Y/n) asked raising an eyebrow "What makes you wanna marry me so bad Hidan??" Hidan smiled "So I can kiss you whenever I want and make all the other boys jealous because I have such a cute and awesome girl that loves me and not them!" (Y/n) laughed and said "Hidan your such an idiot!" Of course she said it with love, but Hidan and her both loved each other very much. Eventually they parted ways and (Y/n) went back home. Once she walked through the door and instantly stopped when she saw the old man her and Hidan had pranked earlier sitting with her parents... Her mom said "(Y/n), is there something you'd like to tell us?" She gulped and said "Me and Hidan pranked him earlier..." The old man said to her parents "Have you two ever considered taking her to the Hidden leaf and away from Hidan?? I've seen her skills as a young ninja and she could go far, but Hidan is holding her back. With his stupid pranks and constantly getting in trouble." (Y/n) yelled "What?! No!!! I wanna stay here!!! With Hidan!!!" Her parents looked at each other and agreed with him saying it was what was best for their daughter... They said they were going to the Hidden leaf ninja where She can be a real ninja and be a hero... The young girl sighed... She didn't even get to tell Hidan goodbye...

[Time skip]
I put on my mask as me and my team exited the village. Lady Tusnade wants us to seek out akatsuki members that are targeting Naruto Uzumaki, and lord knows this world doesn't deserve a kid like that and I'm more then willing to protect him. I was of course assigned to this mission because I was one of the most powerful ninja to come from the hidden leaf. I'm in the Anbu black ops now, the hokages personal guard when he leaves the village. Dashi said to me "Ma'am I sense two akatsuki members ahead heading north." I nodded and we turned directions and made our way there. We found the two and I made hand signs and I huffed "We need to split them up. They'll be easier to take down that way." They nodded and I said "First we confront them head on. I'll take one while you two take the other and then once your done, come and help me if I'm not done." They nodded "Yes ma'am." We appeared in front of them making them stop. I looked at them both, one was covered with a mask and hood but the other wore a head band from my old village... I squinted my eyes... Hidan?? Silver hair, purple eyes, pale skin... "Hey! Who the fuck are you bitches??" I poker faced under my mask... Potty mouth. Defiantly Hidan. So he's a rouge now... I huffed "By order of Lasy Tusnade all five nations are actively seeking out akatsuki members and we are ordered to bring you in or kill you." Hidan pulled his scythe and snickered "Hey Kakuzu! I'm gonna take out the main bitch!" I said "Guys take out his partner. I'm taking the fool that challenges me." They nodded and drove back his partner and now we were left alone. I said "Your still as loud and bad mouthed as I remember." He looked at me oddly and asked "Do we fucking know each other or some shit?? Because I can't see shit under your mask." I shrugged "Hidan your such an idiot..." I remember when I once said that with love. But now I say it with a bitterness. Although I missed him dearly. Hidan's face changed slightly and he said "Take off the mask." I pulled my sword "Anyways, time to get down to business." He glared "If you won't fucking take it off, ill break the shit off!" He came flying towards me and our weapons clashed together! I kept him from hitting me and I made hand signs and appeared by a tree and huffed "Well you've certainly made a name for yourself. Guess that old man really was wrong. But I should thank him because if he wouldn't have convinced my parents to leave the village and move to the hidden leaf then I wouldn't have become the number 1 most wanted ninja in the bingo book. Also if we would have went through with it I would have been your wife." He looked at me in a way that said he knew who I was but didn't really believe it was me." He I appeared in front of him and kicked him back he held up his scythe up just in time to block me. I grabbed his scythe and yanked it from his grasp and smashed him against a tree and threw multiple kunai and pinned him down. I huffed "Haha! I told you that I was just as good as any boy!" I stepped right in front of him and said "Since I know your not gonna come along quietly, I'm gonna go ahead and kill you." I looked at him "Alright??" He bared his teeth at me and suddenly slammed his head against my mask!!!" I growled in pain stumbling back... My mask began cracking and falling apart and I threw it off and yelled at him "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! THATS THE FUCKING TRICK YOU HAVE TO PULL OUT OF YOUR GOD DAMN ASS!?" He looked at me wide eyes and I felt blood running down my face and growled whipping it off "You were always a fucking idiot!!" Hidan asked "(Y/n)??" I huffed grabbing his scythe "Let's just get this over with." I lifted it up like a baseball bat as he seemed rather sad that my first instinct is to kill him. Suddenly a deep voice sounded behind me "Your attention should be on me." I turned and my eyes widen as I saw my two teammate limp as he held them by the collar of their shirts... I huffed and turned around fully... Hidan yelled "Hey! Your fight is with me!!!" I swung the scythe without even looking at him and stabbed it into his stomach making blood spill from his mouth. I said "Now my fight is with him." His name is Kakuzu as I heard Hidan say it previously. Hidan growled "That hurt!!!" I hummed "Surprised your not dead." Kakuzu huffed "He can't die. I've tried many times to kill him but he's immortal." I shrugged "Oh well. He's immobile now." I made hand signs and Hyena's poofed all around me snickering and laughing. I put a pill in between my teeth and smirked as Kakuzu said "Your (Y/n) (L/n). Most wanted in the bingo books and you have a bounty of your head. I snickered "You bet, it's over one billion yen!" I smashed the pill into between my teeth and felt my wild instincts come on and my massive amount of chakra was unleashed and my pupils became slits and my teeth turned sharp as I began to snicker and laugh like my hyena's "Your lookin at the only human who has been recognized by tailed beast as their equal!!!" I got on all fours and said laughing "Your gonna have a bad time!" In flash I was in front of him and pinned him against the tree with my forearm! I lifted my fist and punched so hard that his went flying off and broke the tree! I said "Rika, Hiro, take dashi and Tula back to the hidden leaf." My hyena's nodded and began to snicker and laugh and they got my two teammates up and took off running. Suddenly fire came rushing towards me and I smirked as I ran towards it! I ran through it so fast it wasn't burning me. I jumped through and talked Kakuzu and hit him into the ground very hard. I lifted my first and hit him again making a crater in the ground! I punched him again making the dust around us fly! He growled and I snickered "And your suppose to be the man who faced off against the first hokage?! You call yourself a ninja?!" Suddenly I was tackled off!! I went flying into the trees and growled getting up... Hidan landed with his bloodied scythe... He growled "What happened to you??" I glared "What do you mean what happened?? I became one of the most dangerous shinobi like I said when we were kids." Hidan shook his head "You look like a monster right now. Are you even the same person??" My glare disappeared... I sighed... Hidan knew me better then anyone... I stood up and made a hand sign and my chakra was locked again. I put another pill in my mouth and my wild instant began to lessen. I put my hands together and bowed to Hidan "For the sake of us being good friends as kids, I'll let you and your partner survive. Goodbye Hidan." I heard him yelled "Hey wait!-" I disappeared and caught up with my hyena's and we went back to the villages.

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