Metal Bat x OC

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One punch man is cool!

One punch man is cool!

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This is her uniform.

I walked into the room with a heavy sigh. I was the new s-class hero. In the top 20 too. I'm ranked at number 3 in the S-class. Bang said "Everyone, welcome the newest S-class hero." Everyone looked at me. I was a very proper person. So right now I had my hood and mask down but I was still ready to fight at a moments notice. I said "Hello, I'm Jay. The Metal Master." The man in a red shirt and black jacket asked "Metal master?" I nodded "I have powers that revolve around earth." He said sassily "So what does that have to do with metal?!" I lifted my hand and said smirking "Metal is just dirt in fine tiny fragments." The table crunched up suddenly making everyone jump! I chuckled "I can also make earth and metal into lava." He huffed crossing his arms. Another very short woman glared at me "Get off that high horse your on." I said turning my head towards her while keeping my arms folded behind my back in a formal way "I don't think of myself as a higher status then any of you. You all are my equals and all are very talented in my opinion. The way I'm acting, that your confusing with that of a snobbish person, is just the Formal way I was raised." Suddenly a voice sounded out "You've always been the formal type kitten?" I looked see sweet mask and asked glaring slightly "Excuse me?" He chuckled "You most likely know who I am already considering am Class A rank 1. So who are you?" I said being polite "Metal Master. S-class Rank 3." He looked at my uniform and said "What's with the get up?" I tired to keep myself from letting out an annoyed sigh "My uniform and what I fight in. It was based off of my mothers Military uniform." He said smiling "Isn't a girl like you too cute and delicate for Military affairs?" I let my formal state break and said "Okay I've met some pricks in my day, but you sir are the fucking cactus." Metal bat nearly choked and began to laugh as sweet Mask chuckled at me. I said glaring at him "In my opinion you are a failure as a hero. You only do it for the money and women. Your suppose to be a hero who saves people and your suppose to expect nothing back. But instead your just some dressed up show puppet." I could see his fake sweet exterior started to crack as he looked at me with a glare. I said smirking and resuming my posture "But of course... You've already figured that out. After so many cups of whisky that you drink on daily bases, you've already realized the truth that your just some insecure little boy on the inside and you probably cry after sex." Everyone went silently "Oooh!" Sweet mask said growling "I have nothing more to say to you." He walked out slamming the door... I turned looking at the small tiny woman and gestured to sweet mask as he left "Snobby brat who's self conceited." I gestured to myself "Just trying to be polite and formal for superiors." Everyone began to laugh and snicker. After a while more of speak to each other it was time for us to go and I got up not wasting time as I left. As I walked out the building I heard someone walking behind me and then walked beside me going "Hey." I looked up to see metal bat. I nodded "Hello Metal Bat." He chuckled "That was somethin you did up there to sweet mask." I shrugged "He had it coming. But everything was my opinion, not fact." He snickered "Well I figured out what kind of person you are!" I looked at him and asked "Did you know?" He nodded smirking himself "You want to be formal and piper and be polished and all that junk but then someone gets on yer nerves and offends you and you drop that act and then yer feisty." I chuckled "Very observant of you." He looked at me and his cheeks began to get red... I asked "Why are you getting red?" He scratched the back of his neck and said in a casual manner "That's the first time you've smiled." I chuckled smiling again "I suppose it is." Suddenly I heard "Big Brother Bat!!!!" We both turned to see a little girl, instantly i knew she was Metal Bat's little sister. They both look very similar. She came up to us and Metal Bat, surprisingly, completely changed. He was gentle, caring, and sweet. It was like he couldn't hurt a fly in this state. Suddenly she looked at me "Who are you?" I cleared my throat kinda awkwardly being put on the spot "I'm Metal Master. A new S class hero." She asked turning to me fully "What can you do??" I chuckled at how cute she was "Many things involving earth, metal, and lava and other types of metal." She asked "What about space metal?!" I shrugged "I've never tried." She held up her hands "I found this meteor right earlier! Can you do something with it??" I knelt down and said "I can try." I took it into my hands and lifted my hands out and it floated between my hands, suddenly it began to squish and changed forms making her laugh! I turned my hands and it spiked out into a 3D star! It landed in my hand and I handed it to her and I smiled "Here." She took it "Wow!!! Your powers are cool! I'm Zenko! I stood up "Lovely meeting you Zenko." She pulled on Metal Bat's pants "Is she gonna be your new girlfriend?!" Metal bat's eyes widen as he got flustered and began to stutter and I smiled smirked at him while raising an eyebrow. He said "S-She's just a friend kitten." Zenko grabbed me hand and huffed "Well she's still going to hang out with us!" Metal bat said trying to be nice to her and in a tone that said secretly 'Please save what little coolness I have left!!' "Kitten, I'm sure she has better things to do!" Zenko asked ignoring him "Do you want to have dinner with us??" I asked smiling "Only if it's okay with your Brother." He asked "What? You wanna hang out with me-Us!?" I shrugged "Why not? I have nothing that calls for my attention right now." Zenko cheered "Your coming with us!!!" As we walked Zenko asked "So what's your real name???" I shrugged "Sam." Zenko laughed "That's such a normal name for a hero!" I chuckled "Yes well, that's why my super hero name is metal master." I heard screaming and a woman yelling "That man took my little girl!!!" Metal bat instantly began to get ready to fight but then I stopped him with my hand on his bat "Let me take care of this." He nodded slightly and I lifted my arms out towards the thief and four metal rings came off my arms and back armor and shot towards him and caught his legs, wrist, and one of the bigger ones wrapped around his upper arms and torso while the other bigger one wrapped around his upper legs. The litter girl he stole had went up in the air when he fell and a metal line shot out from my waist and wrapped around her and I caught her as it brought her to me and shot back into my belt. I walked to the woman handed her child to her and she gasped "Thank you so much metal master!!!" I nodded and heard the kidnapper cursing at me and I flicked my hand towards him and a metal ring latched on over his mouth and I growled "You have no room to speak, sir." People clapped and cheered for me and I nodded towards all of them. I picked up the guy and walked to a light post and briefly freed his hands but clamped the metal back around his wrist once hers arms were around the light post. I took back my other metal, except for the one on his mouth and tied his hands together with tones of zip ties. I stood up pinched his neck and he passed out and I took my metal clamp off of his mouth and said "The police are on they're way to pick up this man. Someone please make sure no one cuts him loose." The shop keeper nodded and I walked back to Zenko and Metal Bat "Shall we continue to dinner?" Zenko said with stars in her eyes as we walked "Wow!!! You didn't try to kill him at all!" I shrugged "The situation didn't call for it. Just to subdue the criminal for the police to take him." She hugged me "Your the best Big Sister Sam!" Metal bat sweat dropped and I simply patted her head. Metal bat said as she walked in front of us "You looked kinda sexy while taking him Down." I smirked at him "I look sexy all they time. I've seen you look." He went red and crossed his arms "So!" I chuckled and patted his chest "Your so cute sometimes..." Zenko dragged me into their home as he asked "W-Wait! You think I'm cute??"

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