Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber CHAPTER 4

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I woke up to being in my room and something warm under my head I smiled and cuddled closer to said warmth and sighed contently. I felt my eyes drooping as I looked at the clock by my computer in front of me. ‘3:57 AM’ I internally groaned I had to be up in a few hours…to do god knows what.

“ree?...you awake?” someone asked…the voice sounded husky and reverberated throughout the comfy thing…then everything came back to me about last night…I last remember falling asleep on justin. Justin?...

“yeah..” I whispered and justin sighed and his fingers stroked my back I looked to see myself wearing plaid pj pants and a  kind of big t shirt. “who changed me?” I asked suspiciously and justin laughed.

“don’t worry it was melody who changed you..” he said chuckling I relaxed a bit and looked up at him he looked really happy right now.

“thanks…” I whispered he grinned and leaned down brushing his lips against mine tentatively and I responded carefully and pulled away for a second. “wait…how did you convince my mom to let you stay?” I asked confused he laughed a bit.

“you did that for me…you wouldn’t let me go…you clung to me after I went to kiss you goodnight…” he said sheepishly and teasingly.

“oh god..im sorry justin..” I whispered embarrassed he laughed a bit and kissed my forehead softly I snuggled closer to him and pulled the blanket up to my chin feeling a lot warmer it was chilly already…jeese.

“its okay I don’t mind and my mom trusts us so were good..” he said shrugging I smiled at my hands playing with one of his while the other is wrapped around me. “ree…look…I am going to clear the air a bit okay?...” he asked nervously I nodded playing with the callouses on his fingers.

“shoot..” I said listening he stroked his hand along my back.

“I am waiting for marriage before I have sex…and I don’t say I love you unless I mean it..” he said sighing a bit and tensed up worried I would leave him but I agree with his thoughts.

“that’s perfectly fine with me justin I agree with you” ‘and on top of that I already knew that from my dream…which has gotten a lot vaguer…’ I smiled and kissed the tip of his fingers he sighed a bit and relaxed.

“thank god…all the girls I dated were so against the sex thing…I was like who is the guy and who is the girl in the relationship really?” he said chuckling and I let out a humongous yawn making him snicker. “get some sleep ree…I have an awesome day planned for us!” he said excitedly and I nodded and he started to hum quietly stroking my hair and face; it lulled me into a deep sleep where no dreams could touch me good or bad.

I woke up to hear a click of a camera and groaned curling into a ball and I felt a breath on the back of my neck and an arm tighten around my waist. I was so tired right now…ugh…

“they are so cute…I am glad they finally got together” I heard lilly say and I heard chuckles.

“definitely..so should we wake them up?...we were supposed to go to the Halloween carnival not too far from here today and its already 2 pm..” ryan said debating and I sighed and let myself relax going back to sleep.

“alright..ill do it” Emily said and I knew this wasn’t going to end well at all I sighed smiling and felt justins lips at the back of my neck sending chills down my spine. “1….2…..3” Emily counted down slowly and then a loud horn went off making me scream and jump and fall off the bed to the floor I groaned in pain and I heard justin make a thump on the other side of the bed.

“dang it Emily!” I yelled jumping up and I started to chase her out the door and she cackled like a crazy woman. I went back to my room to seeing justin walk into the bathroom and I looked around my closet for something to wear. I finally found a pair of flare jeans, mismatched socks, new underwear, and a black tanktop with a nice orange off the shoulder sweater I also found some amazing warm knitted boots to wear today as well..they are very well insulated.

Justin came out and I ran into the bathroom shutting the door and locking it..i really had to pee!

“what was that about?” justin asked confused and I laughed as I heard lilly and Emily telling him in unison.

“she had to pee” like it was nothing and they burst into laughter while I fixed my lightly curled hair and put on a tiny amount of makeup. I changed and walked out with justin looking around in a black sweater and his geeky glasses.

“hey…” I said smiling and he looked at me with his heartwrenching smile that gives me butterflies each time I see it.

“hey…” he said smiling I got lost in his eyes and was snappe out of it when ryan picked me up and put me over his shoulder carrying me out of the room. We went downstairs to me waving to melody and my mom who were laughing at my predicament.

I was put into the front seat next to justin he was driving and the others piled into the car….i am very curious about where we were going…I just hope its nothing too boring…or too crazy..something in the middle. My stomach had a bad feeling in it and I was getting worried..i really hope nothing bad happens  but I cant shake  the feeling that something might actually happen.

Okay everyone next chapter will be longer I am going to go find myself a platypus…and name is perry..hahaha

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now