Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Chapter 24

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I sighed and looked and felt tired..justin was too and he read me books when he wanted to telling me stories when he wasn’t recording and he was also in interviews and everyone knew about my coma..the whole world did..and apparently I get tons of gifts and get well cards as well..they are sent to lilly and Emily form school..i thought it was sweet of everyone.

I smiled and sat there for a while thinking things over as I was still trying to figure out a way to get into my body again.. “this is so frustrating..looking and watching but not being able to help..” I said sighing a bit.

“I know honey…but you have to make sure your relaxed” my dad said sincerely and I took a deep breath nodding my head a bit at that and I did relax a lot. I nodded and watched justin and sat on the bed legs criss cross applesauce and smiled at justin.

“so..the songs almost done..and the funeral was good….very nice and formal a lot of people came I am sorry your dad is gone ree…I miss him from when I talked to him..he gave great advice..” he said sighing a bit “I couldn’t help but…wish I could ask for his permission to someday marry you”  he said grabbing my hand and I covered my mouth.

“oh my gosh..” I whispered and justin bit his lower lip looking more vulnerable then before…I tried to keep my emotions on the down low and keeping myself relaxed.

“look I know I have messed up…well..” he said rubbing the back of his neck and sighing “I have messed up…a lot…and I know I am not perfect..but I love you..so much!” he said urgently and he started to spill everything “look I know I brought you into the music world..well..sort of mostly your talent did…and when you first fell hitting your head…you hit me hard in the heart..i love you” he said smiling “you helped me get over my ex wanting nothing more to be friends..i want you to be mine forever!” he said smiling “to have kids…to grow old sitting on the front porch talking about the glory days….to laugh about how we got here…I love your smile..your laugh…your personality…everything about you I wouldn’t change a thing..” he said stroking my hand and I felt love in my heart and a weird thing was happening.

“your ready sweetie..go with it..this is what HE wanted you to see and hear..he knew your doubts but he doesn’t want you to have those..have faith little one..and ill watch over you all the time I love you” my dad said smiling.

I felt my spirit being pulled and one second I was by the bed the next I was in the dark looking around I groaned and putting my head in my hands. “greeeat how the heck do I get out of this one?..I THOGUHT I WAS READY!!” I yelled in the darkness groaning in annoyance and I started to run.

And run

And run


Still running

…..this is getting ridiculous…

Why am I not tired?..


How do I know if I am going in circles?

How long has it been?

….damn it!

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now