Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Chapter 21

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I woke up later to someone stroking my hair my eyes fluttered open and I looked up seeing justin smiling at me from his kneeling position on the floor. “hey..” I said with a smile and justin grinned at me and kissed my forehead. “what time is it?” I asked sitting up and justin chuckled.

“3:30 pm” he said with a shrug and I nodded blarily rubbing my eyes and he had a bag in hand..a mcdonalds bag!

“you got me a burger?!” I asked excitedly my stomach was grumbling away at me for food and he laughed and set the bag down picking me up and settling me on his lap and he hit play on the dvd player and surprise surprise guess what popped up?...

Transformers 3 and I laughed and started to eat my big mac..i wont lie I was messy about it but I don’t care at all..i love it! And on top of that I dipped the fries into he mac sauce that dripped and ate them. “hungry much babe?” he asked chuckling as I watched Sam and his new girlfriend fighting for their lives..i didn’t like her much.

“is it just me or do I miss Megan Fox?...i mean seriously I liked her better she wasn’t damsel in distress she could handle herself in the fights..and she was a mechanic! Come on!” I said annoyed ignoring his comment.

“true very true and she was hot” he said shrugging and I snorted a bit shaking my head eating another frie dipped in mac sauce.

“I wont deny it she was hot..” I said with a shrug and justin laughed a bit kissing my cheek.

“you have mac sauce on your cheek.” He said laughing I shrugged wiping it away with a napkin, I looked at my food and pouted..its gone!

“its gooone” I pouted and justin laughed holding up another big mac and fries

“I figured you would be hungry…what do I get in return?” he asked cheekily and I turned and kissed him pulling away as he licked his lips. “yummy more mac sauce” he said handing me a milkshake which I drank down.

“I know I am just that good..” I said laughing and watching in shock as bumblebee almost died…oh dear. “NOOOO bumblebee!” I yelled and justin laughed behind me amused.

“don’t worry..” he said and he was right I didn’t have too he was alive..thank god I thought. I smiled over at justin and he grinned after we finished eating sitting there watching the movie finish up. I watched the proposal and smiled a little bit…I mean it was definitely sweet..aww bumblebee he always makes me smile.

I smiled and sighed a bit stretching after the movie and got up “be right back need to use the facilities” I said in a posh accent making justin snicker a bit. I went to the bathroom and washed my face clean of everything grinning at myself and I brushed my teeth stretching a bit then used the potty. I sighed a bit and washed my hands coming outside and saw justin looking on my laptop frowning a bit.

“whats wrong?” I asked him and looked over his shoulder as he looked at my twitter..wow..its been a while since I have been on there..woah a lot of arguing going on too. Mostly between my friends Emily, and lilly along with my true fans against the haters..nice.

“this is horrible..” he said softly and I shrugged a bit leaning down and posting on twitter ‘look I don’t care what you have to say..it wont change who I am or who  I am dating please stop with the rude comments and leave me alone..thank you’  I closed out ignoring whatever came next and sighed a bit. “just like that?” he asked and I nodded with a smile on my face.

“just like that…” I said crossing my arms over my chest as I heard a knock at my door I smiled and laughed as justin pulled me onto his lap moving against the wall near my bed.  “come in” I laughed out as usher came in.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now