Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber CHAPTER 8

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I looked at justin and had no idea what to say to him..he wants me to tell him something I wasn’t sure of…I lowered my gaze to the ground and I looked at him stonily and kept my composure. “just how the heck do I know that you wont be doing this for another bet..” I said softly and I thought back to the dream and laughed so confused “this isn’t how it was supposed to go..my dream lied..” I said thoughtlessly.

“what dream?” he asked confused and I looked at him shocked I said that outloud…shit shit shit “you know that I know when your lying..”  he said arms crossed over his chest..and I felt so scared and turned around.

“do you remember when we met?” I sang lightly and he looked at me and nodded a bit “and when I hit my head?” I sang again and justin nodded.

“what does that have to do with anything?” he asked and I bit my lip looking at my hands he might think I was crazy..i walked forward and ignored his comment and he caught up grabbing my hand in his and his bloodshot eyes looked worried.

“you’re a mess.” I whispered and justin looked at himself and shrugged at me non chalantly like it didn’t matter.

“yeah but tell me..” he said urgently ad I looked at my hands and felt tears in my eyes and he nodded at me to continue.

“okay..i have a vision..” I whispered he looked at me confused “like god sent it when I was most vulnerable..and it sounds crazy but it was detailed, and very specific, and it was about me and you being together..” I whispered “me having a music career..justin..everything..and nothing went right..i was still in school, I sang with kyle, I waited forever even when we hung out for us to be together but it took longer then expected..” I said sighing “I knew it wouldn’t be perfect..i cant believe you made a bet..and nothing is going right…at all..” I said looking down and justin tipped my chin up looking into my eyes for some lie..but there wasn’t any.

“your not lying are you?” he asked softly and I shook my head in a no fashion and he sighed pulling me in a hug…he smelled funny..like alohol.

“have you been drinking?” I asked and he laughed pulling away

“no..the champagne was spilled on me by melody and yeah…” he said blinking and I grinned at him and he sighed “I believe you about what you said and visions are usually guidelines..” he said softly stroking my cheek.

“come on justin lets get you to my hotel room and get you cleaned up..ill pick up some clothes for you to change into” I whispered he nodded and went to kiss me but I turned my head and he got my cheek instead.

“alright..i get it your still pissed…ill see you in the room..what hotel and room aare you in?” he asked and I handed him my key.

“ill be there in ten..” I said kissing his cheek he nodded and I ran….

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now