Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Chapter 28

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The next week I sat there with Ellen yet again and I grinned at her playing with the ring on my hand and Ellen watched grinning and people chuckled. “okay..so..how exactly did justin propose?...i am very curious” she said looking at me and I blushed a bit.

“well…we went to see phantom of the opera..” I said slowly grinning at the memory “and he waited till the song all I ask of you came on…he sang to me and got down on one knee and proposed..it was amazing” I said sighing happily and people awed and I blushed again.

“awwww that is so cute..” she said as a picture of me beaming and justin with his arm around my waist grinning just as much.

“oh dear..” I muttered blushing heavily and Ellen grinned at me laughing a bit and I shook my head at her amused.  “oh boy..” I muttered showing photos of me in my dress and I blushed even more laughing a bit.

“very nice dress I love it…very…sexy..” she said and I snorted laughing a bit rubbing the back of my neck.

“yeah..wasnt a  great idea but I didn’t get a chance to wear it so I decided why not…” I said shrugging and we chatted and laughed as she embarrassed me more..great.

We finished and I sighed happily as I felt arms around my waist and Ellen grinned at us both and she winked “I knew it was a matter of time…I am glad it finally happened congratulations to you both..and justin your interview is tomorrow..” she said and he nodded kissing my forehead.

“lets get some frozen yogurt” he whispered I nodded hyperly and he sighed as his phone rang and I groaned annoyed. “hey ush..yeah…sure…can ree come over?” he asked and he nodded and I smiled…his parents don’t know yet and usher was making a big dinner for the announcement.

“alright ready?” I asked and he nodded putting his arm around my shoulder and I sighed a bit no one but Ellen knows and she said it will be out in like 3 days..and I don’t mind it one bit. We made it there and I changed into a white summer dress and a white cover and white high heels my hair is curled and down. Justin came out in a pair of black skinny jeans and a black t shirt with a white hoodie..nice choice for spaghetti.

“yeah lets do this!” he said cheerfully and I snickered behind my hand and went into the dining room and sat down as did the rest of the family and we ate talking and laughing for a while and justin squeezed my thigh and I nodded at him. “so..i have an announcement to make!” justin said and I smiled at him and my mom looked up shocked as did pattie..usher…scooter…kenny..ryan…Mama jan…and dan.

“what is it?” Mama jan asked and I grinned at justin and he took a deep breath.

“Well…a week ago..you all know I took Aria to see phantom of the opera…well..i proposed to Aria..and she said yes!” he said cheerfully everyone grinned and cheered for us.

“OH MY GOSH!”  my mom said excitedly and then they congratulated us and hugged us it was actually a better reaction then what we thought it would be..we were both nervous about it..

“whens the wedding?” usher asked and we smiled at eachother thinking about it..

“a year from now…we think our anniversary..is our best bet” he said smiling and I blushed a bit and my mom and pattie and mama jan…weirdly enough ryan were flipping out to see the ring..

I held my hand out and ryan squealed and clapped as did the woman cooing over the rings and Pattie looked up and looked at me. “so…..are you guys having the wedding at which church?” she asked and I bit my lower lip and justin smiled nodding and I sighed.

“I was hoping at your church..” I said softly looking at my hands and pattie put a hand on my shoulder she hugged me close rubbing my back.

“of course you can have it at our church” she said making me smile.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now