Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Chapter 18

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The next day I woke up and looked at the clock..its noon..i got up and went to the bathroom then headed downstairs and heard talking. “what?” I lipped curiously hearing my voice.

“yeah jb..shes safe…you really screwed up this time..i know..i know..she is really hurt…no jb not a good i-“ he started and he sighed hitting a button I sighed and rubbed my sore eyes. “aria..your finally up..” usher said with a smile handing me a mug of coffee.

“thank you” I said after taking a sip and usher nodded at me amused right now sitting down and I bit my lower lip thinking things over…this was so stupid! “I am such an idiot..” I groaned as I put my forehead on the table and usher laughed.

“no you weren’t..” he said sitting opposite of me I sighed and rubbed my forehead annoyed my hair was a mess right now..

“wheres your music room?” I wondered outloud and he smiled shaking his head at me.

“avoiding…” he said sipping his coffee and I sent him a look and he held his arms up in defense and I smiled and nodded “Alright come on baby girl..” he said leading me downstairs. I went in and I sighed a bit thinking as I sat at the piano bench thinking things over.

I played letting my hands do the talking and it was a sad sound now and I sighed hearing arguing and I stopped playing and headed upstairs. I saw justin and I stopped in the doorway pushing my hair from my face.

“Ree..please…don’t go..” he said sounding broken and I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head annoyed.

“I don’t want to hear it justin…I really don’t..” I said turning away and I heard him groan in frustration as I started to walk away.

“WHAT ABOUT COME WHAT MAY?” he yelled and I cringed I tensed and froze a moment of hesitation that he took and I didn’t like it.

“justin…it was a fools dream of mine don’t worry..i wont be around much anymore..just…go..” I whispered tearfully.

“you know what ree…your right..i fucked up” he said and I cringed he only swore when he was really upset..or when he was really pissed..i don’t know which end I got.

“you did..” I said still not facing him crossing my arms over my chest nervously jiggling my leg and biting my nail.  “really bad..you didn’t even push her away!” I said trying not to get too angry but it was getting difficult.

“everyone makes mistakes and there was a reason for it..something I cant tell you” he said and I lost it..i am so sorry..but I did.

“YOU CANT TELL ME WHY YOU LET HER TEXT ME TELLING ME WE HAVE A ROMANTIC DATE WHILE WE WERE IN MAUI! OF ALL THE ROMANTIC PLACES IT WAS FOR US! JUSTIN GOSH DARNIT I AM PISSED! WE HAD FUN…until she would text you and take you away from me…then I was upst and worried…then you ignore me and don’t say you love me or kiss me..just fucking leave justin I cant even look at you without my heart breaking.” I said panting and my eyes flashing in sadness and hurt.

“Ree ree..” he whispered tears in his eyes and I looked away and ran downstairs ignoring him and shut the door.

---a month later---

I have been hanging out with Taylor swift, and Taylor lautner a lot they were a lot of fun to hang out with and with taylor lautner…I felt happier and didn’t hurt as much. I sighed and looked at taylor lautner we were getting yogurt and I sat there thinking about justin and wondered how he was doing…

“hey..space cadet..come back to earth” taylor joked making me smile and I looked over at him and smiled a bit feeling bashful…again.

“sorry tay…I did it again didn’t i?” I asked and he nodded at me and I couldn’t help but sigh a bit “I am sorry…its just…well you know” I said with a sigh.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now