Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Chapter 22

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I got off of stage after saying goodnight and god bless to everyone who came to my show and to drive carefully having a safe trip home. I am in Switzerland and was taught the language to say that to them at the end and I sighed wiping sweat from my brow.

“okay…I get to see justin!” I said excitedly it was a long month without him but we kept in contact the whole time..now its some down time to hang out with him.

“YAY!” ryan good squealed like a girl making me laugh hysterically as he hugged me close and I grinned at him and heard a snicker behind him and I looked over ryans shoulder and saw my love, heart and soul…justin drew bieber…

“well hello there shawty..” he said non chalantly his get up was weird…snowboarding pants, jacket a hat on his head and goggles on his hat…huh?

“uhhhh justin…..why are you wearing that?” I questioned and he grinned holding out a bag and I looked inside seeing a purple pair of snow boarding pants, jacket, and a black beanie with my own black goggles.

“we are going to the Alps to go snowboarding me and you…then a nice romantic dinner” he said walking over to me wrapping his arms around my waist in my pink concert dress and I grinned at justin and kissed him wrapping my arms around his neck shocking him.

“I love you” I whispered kissing him and he grinned at me kissing me back rubbing his hand along my back.

“I love you too ree ree..lets go” he said with a wink and we went to justins car…I saw Kenny and he waved as I waved back and got into the back with justin.

We drove the whole way there me and justin catching up on our tours and the usual news with eachother and he stroked my hand the whole way. I liked his touch sending tingles up and down my spine…I was in my suit and we made it there and justin grabbed our boards…he designed them for us…mine said ‘A YEAR WITHOUT RAIN’ Aria + Justin 4Ever.

I grinned at it and kissed him softly as we pulled our boots on and I looked at justins and smiled big..

‘U Smile I Smile’ Justin loves Aria Black

On both of our snowboards had our faces painted on it squished together from the Aquarium I sighed happily. “thank you justin I love it” I said smiling and he nodded at me.

“of course babe..when we get to the top…ill explain the trip here” he said with a wink I nodded at him and we went to the lift after justin put the bracelets on us. I slipped the arm band over my jacket and nodded.

We made it to the top soon enough and I looked at justin as we put the snowboards on and hopped to the edge and smiled. “okay…so explain” I said smiling at him and he sighed nervously and looked at me.

“whats today?” he asked and I raised an eyebrow at him looking at my phone.

“July 10th..” I said slowly looking at him and he grinned at me and I thought it over.

“and…what happened today?” he asked and I thought back a long time ago and nodded.

“when I had dance class..my birthday….and I met you” I said looking at him and he nodded at me excitedly.

“EXACTLY!! Today was the day I first laid eyes on you and fell in love with you..i didn’t realize it at the time..but I did..” he said shyly at the end making me smile and stroke his cheek. “happy anniversary baby” he said kissing me..

I heard a voice as I kissed justin “WOAH LOOK OUT! I CANT STOP!” someone yelled and they flew into me I gasped and justin struggled to catch me as I flew down the hill at top speed dodging people as I went. I tried not to scream and I gasped seeing a patch of ice coming up…shit shit shit..i hit it and hit an ice block with snow and flew into the air.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now