Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Chapter29

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We went to the zoo and I had a blast I was looking at the wolves and sat down looking at them they were pretty much my favorite animal. “hey…” Emily said sitting beside me and I grinned over at her as lilly sat on my other side.

“hey guys you having a good time?” I asked smiling and staring at the wolves they were totally gorgeous. Emily took my hand staring at the ring again possibly for the fifth time.

“I just am so happy Aria…” Emily said grinning at me and lilly nodded as well staring at it.

“I just am having an issue choosing who should be my maid of honor between you two..i mean I love you both to pieces I don’t want to hurt either of you” I said sighing and the girls looked at eachother eyes twinkling.

“we figured that out and we both decided after a few long conversations that it should be Emily..” Lilly said with a smile “and ill be the bridesmaid but of course we are both going to be helping with decisions together so…in the end its both of us but Emily just get the name” she said and I looked at them shocked that they were able to calmly come to the conclusion together…huh.

“BRILLIANT!” I squealed hugging them both around the shoulders my phone rang and I looked over seeing the boys with drinks and laughing and joking “aria speaking” I said into the phone the girls snickered. Justin handed me my drink and I sipped it gratefully for the cool substance that is bottled water.

“hey sweetie its mom and I have great news..” my  mom said excitedly “your cousin Allison is coming over! She wants to help with the wedding planning!” she squealed and I felt my hands turn numb and my open drink fell from my hands and hit the ground spilling everywhere…my face paled and my eyes widened.

“y-you cant be serious?!” I squeaked and everyone stared at me as I stumbled up and paced back and forth “She is pure evil mom! She not once helped me when I needed it in high school..”  I hissed to her and she sighed laughing a bit.

“honey she has changed! Don’t worry about it!” she said laughing and I heard her obnoxious laughter in the background….GRRR

“no she hasn’t mom she is the spawn of satan..SATAN YA HEAR!” I hissed almost screaming and I stomped my foot angrily.

“oh stop being dramatic..shes here already so she can apologize” she said and I snarled a bit sighing.

“fine” I said hanging up on her and I crossed my arms over my chest and felt very angry I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose feeling very angry how could mom do this to me?

“babe?” justin asked putting his hands on my shoulder and I relaxed against him not feeling up to going home soon.

“can I stay at your house till the wedding?” I asked him playing with the ring and he slowly turned me around.

“umm why?...not that im not flattered but whats going on?” he asked and I sighed and looked over at my two best friends.

“my cousin…Allison..” I murmured sadly and justin looked at me confused as I sighed in annoyance. “she came up with the name Fatty Mcgee in highschool..shes the one that got everyone after me for being you know heavy…” I said slowly and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

“honey that was two or three years ago…” he said stroking my face and I saw flashes of photography and I looked over seeing paps and justin looked over as well sighing “come on lets go…” he said nodding at me and he leaned down to my ear “and ill be there with you…I promise” he whispered “and if she annoys you too much you can stay at my grandparents with me” he said kissing my cheek.

“thank you” I whispered kissing him softly not caring about the paps right now and he grinned down at me putting his arm over my shoulder and I slipped mine around his waist. Emily and lilly looked at me and smiled with their boyfriends and we asked an elderly man to take our photo together and then I  did separates with everyone with their men and they took one of me and justin as we looked into eachothers eyes grinning at eachother with goofy smiles on our faces.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now