Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber CHAPTER 6

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The next day I woke up exhausted I coughed and sniffled….dang it I am sick…great..i sighed and laid back in the hotel bed and coughed again and grabbed a nearby tissue I felt horrible as I blew my nose..how the heck did I get sick?....


“uuuuuugh” I groaned holding my throbbing head and throwing the tissue into the trash.

“ree?” someone asked I looked up with watery eyes an hour later and saw Alice she was wearing a mask so she didn’t get sick I don’t blame her one bit.

“what sup?” I croaked and she laughed and came over with tea and medicine..ew.

“here take this and drink this..” she said I nodded and did as she asked sipping the sweet tea she sighed looking at me. “called usher and told him you were sick..justin knows..he will be by later..” she said I nodded and felt horrible rolling over and closing my eyes.

“danks..” I said nasally she nodded and left the room I sighed and passed out into dreamland..a very nice familiar dream of justin coming after me.

I woke up later to someone stroking my hair I looked up and saw justin with his eyes closed and my head on his chest. I sniffled smiling and I grabbed some more tissues blowing my stuffy nose..again…

“hey..” justin said sighing and yawning I looked at him and smiled a bit but frowned no face mask.

“justin you betteh put a mask on..i don’t want you getting sick too!” I said aghast he laughed.

“don’t worry I don’t get sick that easily you just have a bad cold no worries..” he said winking and leaning down I felt a cough rise up and I turned quickly coughing into a tissue. “ugh this stinks..i want to kiss you” he whined I laughed and Alice came in with more medicine..and tea..ew..

I took it and sipped the tea again and I blew on it drinking it down and looked up at justin who looked comfy. “why are you looking so comfy?” I asked and he grinned at me.

“I just had school and recorded some songs….so I decided comfy was the way to go..” he said shrugging

“men..” I muttered and alice laughed at me and usher walked in with a face mask.

“howdy ree..how ya feelin?” he asked I shrugged a bit

“eh..could be worse…and what is that in the thermos?” I asked confused

“chicken soup my moms recipe…helps me get better faster…now sadly I am guessing you cant taste..so ill have to make more when your better” he said girnning I held my hands out.

“gimme gimme!” I said like a kid on Christmas and usher walked over and handed it to me. “dank you ush..” I said smiling he waved me off and shrugged shyly.

“don’t worry babygirl..you slept all day yesterday..and today..well most of today..” he said I went wide eyed almost dropping the thermos.

“the premier!” I groaned sadly and usher smiled at me and shrugged

“its okay justin explained you were sick to the press no worries” he said I nodded and looked at justin thankfully and turned away coughing again and groaned setting the thermos down and sank back down in the sheets.

“get some sleep hun ill be here when you wake up..” he said stroking my hair and slid down beside me my back to him and he cuddled behind me yawning. “get some sleep..” he murmured softly.

I felt my eyes get heavy and slowly passed out into oblivion again coughing a bit before fully passing out to a nice dreamless sleep.

I woke up to coughing and turned over seeing justin cough and I raised an eyebrow and started to blow my nose. “told ya!” I said hitting him with a pillow he fell off the bed and groaned.

“I feel horrible..” he muttered “no concerts for a while so I should be good by the time I do have one..” he said sighing and I grinned over the bed and alice tutted at justin and pattie looked amused right now.

“its okay..he needs to be sick so we can show he isn’t perfect” she said smirking and I laughed and started to cough in between.

“hahha” I laughed coughing and hacking and the adults sighed “he didn’t even kiss me!” I said laughing

“ummm…” justin muttered I looked at him with death eyes “I did when you were sleeping..you weren’t coughing so I thought you were safe..i was wrong..and you responded so I don’t want to hear it!” he said nasally…he sounds hilarious when he is nasally.

“ill call usher for more soup!” alice yelled I girnned and drank some of it and still couldn’t taste it..i do know this…its creamy and warm..not like that perves!

“gimme!” justin cheered getting on the bed beside me and I shook my head and swallowed the chicken and noodles.

“no! MINE!” I yelled horsely and justin sighed and set the thermos and cup down and captured my lips in a kiss.

“hahaa now I can..since I am already sick!” he said grinning at me and I rolled my eyes at him annoyed and arms over my chest.

“your fault..not mine” I said reminding him and he shrugged at me and leaned down kissing me deeply but pulled away unexpectedly to cough.

 “that…*cough cough*…stinks!...*cough cough* all I want is a kiss form my girlfriend” he whined I grinned and kissed him softly.

“come on snuggle with me! We can sleep after you take the medicine and drink some soup” I said reminding him he nodded and did as I aksed and I did the same after him.

We turned the tv on and watched beauty and the beast and we were both comfy my head was on his chest he was on his back arm around me and we both passed out as we heard usher laughing in the other room.

“hahaha justin…hahaha…stupid!” he yelled laughing hysterically.

“idiot” me and justin muttered as we passed into a cold medicine induced sleep..both of us hoping to get better..  

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now