Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Chapter 15

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I smiled at Lilly and Emily when we made it back home I laughed as we walked in and justin grabbed my shoulder whirling me around looking into my eyes deeply. “so…you sure you don’t want to spend the night with me?...watch a movie, drink hot cocoa…” he said trailing off and I sighed with a smile on my face about to change my mind..he has a way of doing that when Lilly jumped in.

“sorry were stealing her for the night bieber..” Lilly said with a giggle and I shook my head amused right now.

“fine….” He said solemnly and he shook his head kissing my softly making my knees going weak as I kissed him back pulling away.

“you better go..” I said breathlessly and he chuckled kissing my forehead and he left with the boys for aguys night out and I made him promise no alcohol or hookers. He agreed with a sheepish laugh rubbing the back of his neck heading to ryans for the night.

I shut the door fanning my face shaking my head and we all headed up to my room for a girls night food was everywhere and Alice leaned against the doorway amusement on her face. “girls night?” she asked and I nodded

“you can stay if you want alice itll be fun!” I said chipperly and she shook her head at me amused.

“not tonight next time though..i am headed home to my husband and spending a relaxing night there..” she said with a soft smile.

“thanks alice for protecting me..ill see you tomorrow!” I said with a grin as she nodded at me amused nd left.

“alright…I just popped the hangover in and we can chat about everything and anything!” Emily said amused and I sighed as I changed into my footie pjs it was getting colder out and the girls did the same and we all sat on my bed munching on food.

“so…does it…you know..hurt the first time?” I asked curiously and Emily smiled amused as did lilly.

“at first..” lillly said thoughtfully thinking it over and Emily nodded in agreement her blonde hair in a messy bun and lillys in a French braid, mine was in a high ponytail.

“a bit..but if hes sweet enough from what I heard…and what happened he’ll give you time to adjust and then it feels amazing” Emily said with a secret smile on her face.

“really?...i don’t know if it is a good idea for me and justin just yet..i don’t want things to get more complicated..i still remember the kyle, and alex incident..” I said shaking my head and Emily took a sip of her root beer nodding.

“true very true….and if an accidental…pregnancy…then well thatll ruin both of your careers with the press..” Lilly said chewing on some pretzels with a shake of her head.

“I still want to talk to him about it though..i mean its better if we both get it out there then thinking about it 24/7..” I said playing with a piece of my hair twirling it.

“foreplay isn’t out of the question though” Emily said grinning “me and Chaz-“ Emily started ad I threw my hands up.

“EW EW EW no offense I don’t want details about you or chaz no offense..i don’t need those mental images” I said with a snicker and Emily rolled her eyes.

“you asked..” she said nonchalantly a teasing smile on her face and I grabbed my pillow smacking her in the head with it knocking her off the bed.

“honey..” my mom said peering into the room and I turned looking at her confused. “can you come downstairs for a minute?” she asked biting her lower lip and I nodded getting up confused and my mom smiled fondly at our attire.

“okay..” I said shaking my head and I went downstairs nervously playing with the sleeves of the pjs and my mom and dad were sitting around the table and melody was there which confused me I thought she would be at deans tonight. “Whats going on?” I asked feeling suspicious and my dad took my moms hand.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now