Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber CHAPTER 5

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I walked down the aisles of the carnival and smiled happily nothing could go wrong I am in Atlanta today and were at the carnival and enjoyed ourselves immensely. When we got back o the hotel I was exhausted and smiled at the stuffed bear I got from justin he won it for me.

Over the next few weeks everyone was hating on justin and me for going out and calling me a gold digger…I was not happy at all..and neither was justin. He was pacing back and forth in LA with me and ran a hand through his hair.

“this is getting out of hand..” he said softly and I looked at him annoyed and couldn’t help but wonder if we should wait..i love justin but he is only seeing the negative and he hasn’t mentioned anything but the haters and we cant go out without people sneering at us.

“justin relax will ya!” I said annoyed tossing a pillow at his head and he looked at me with a slight glare on his face making me shocked.

“no..this is getting ridiculous! I really want to be with you..but all they are doing is calling you names I wont stand for this anymore” he said angrily and I sighed a bit and looked at my hands..most of justins fans are leaving him cause of me..but they have to get used to the fact that he is dating someone like a normal teen.

“look…just go for a walk and get some air ill wait for you and meet you at the restaurant” I said and he nodded agreeing and left. I looked around and sighed a bit going to take a shower I have two hours to get ready for the date. I got my hair done and pulled on some skinny jeans, a purple striped top and a leather jacket with my calf high black velvet boots.

Most of my stuff was still packed and I couldn’t wait to go home for thanksgiving…and see my mom and my dad was coming home. I smiled happily melody was going to see her boyfriend my bodyguard drew and I did get a girl bodyguard alice..same as my dream.

I smiled and went downstairs wrapping a scarf around my neck and I couldn’t help but sigh as alice grinned at me. We walked down and people were shooting me glares and sneering at me…but I have gotten used to it..

“okay…so ill wait by the alley..” she said I nodded and walked over to the restaurant and went inside waiting.

“what can I get for you ms black?” a waitress asked and I smiled at her slightly amused

“a water please..” I said nodding she smiled and left and I tapped my fingers against the table.

I got it and sipped it waiting…

And waiting…

I looked at my watch…45 minutes late..

I looked around and saw couples smiling and laughing and looked at my watch again…2 hours…

Really justin?...i looked at my phone and saw no response and sent him a message again asking where he was.

Okay this is ridiculous and humiliating…Its been 3 hours…I have been more then patient..i paid for my waters and stood up leaving a 50 dollar tip in thanks. I walked out of there humiliated tears in my eyes and I looked at alice shaking my head.

“you okay?” she asked I shook my head tears rolling down my face and paps took photos of me in tears and I ignored their questions and kept walking alices arm around my shoulder.

We made it back to the hotel and I ran out of the elevator and stopped by justins door and heard talking in the background.

“look I don’t know if its working…dude I am losing all my fans now…I don’t know what to do” justin said sighing a bit.

“you love her…stick through it fans true fans wouldn’t leave you because of who you date or love…trust me or else a lot of the celebs wouldn’t even be together..” Scooter said and I felt a lump in my throat and justin sighed the door was cracked.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now