Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Chapter 25

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“okay….i am going insane…Justin…HELP ME!” I yelled and  put my face in my hands… “help me find myself..please!” I begged and I started to cry..i don’t know how long I was in here and it was infinite…never ending… “is…is that music?” I asked wiping my eyes

So many nights trying to hide it

But now I stay awake just pleading for more

To think this heart was divided

I'm losing sleep cause I can't ignore... 

“its…its beautiful…” I murmured it was distant…maybe I could follow it…

Feeling your touch all around

Peacefully hearing the sound

Of silence around us, so glad we found us this way

Find me, here in your arms

Now I'm wondering where you've always been

Blindly, I came to you

Knowing you'd breathe new life from within

It was calling to me..it was like a flame and I am the moth…I smiled and followed it closely I felt at ease now…

Can't get enough of you

I want to be where you are

In times of need I just want you to stay

I leave a note on your car

When I can't find the right words to say

I followed closer and smiled easily following the music..it was like I was waiting for this song…it was amazing..i want to see the face to the voice…

Hearing your voice all around

The last place we're going is down

I'll blindly follow knowing you're leading the way

Find me, here in your arms

Now I'm wondering where you've always been

Blindly, I came to you

Knowing you'd breathe new life from within

…..Is…is that a light?...i slowed down a bit and smiled tucking hair behind my ear “alright..time to wake up..” I muttered with a grin

With you in time

There's nothing else

My life stands still

You are the will that makes me strong

Make me strong

If ever alone in this world I know I'll always... 

Find me, here in your arms

Now I'm wondering where you've always been

Blindly, I came to you

Knowing you'd breathe new life from within

You sleep, here in my arms

Where the world just shuts down for awhile

Blindly, you came to me

Finding peace and belief in this smile

Find some peace and belief in this smile

At the last note I leaped into the light and I felt…like…I hurt all over…uggggh…my eyelids are so heavy! I started to work on opening them. A hand slipped into mine and at the callouses I knew it was my justin…I worked hard to squeeze my fingers around justins and he jumped in shock.

“ree?...can…can you hear me?” he asked quietly in disbelief and I couldn’t answer quite yet… “squeeze my hand if you can hear me”  he said urgently and I used all my will power to squeeze back and he cheered for joy! “REE YOUR AWAKE!” he yelled happily and he hesitated and pushed something and I felt him kiss my hand….good..hes still here and he didn’t move on and leave…good.

Seven hours later and I was back in working condition…I ate some food…drank some water and the tubes were taken out..Justin refused to leave my side as did my friends and I didn’t mind justin he sat behind me with me in his lap.

I was surprised the doctors allowed that but its justin so I kind of understood…he is popular and he was in a very clingy mood. I didn’t mind it I felt better with his arms around me and they said to make sure I have to stay overnight which I didn’t mind.

Later I was sitting with justin and my mom was asleep in the chair and I looked up at justin leaning back against the headboard and I sighed a bit. “justin….” I said slowly and his eyes fluttered open and he smiled down at me.

“yeah babe?” he asked sleepily and I smiled at him and blushed a bit.

“would you believe me if I told you that I saw my dad and I was stuck in limbo because you prayed that I would live?” I asked him and he thought about it and nodded.

“of course…” he said playing with my hair “I believed the whole vision I can believe that my prayers helped save you in a way..” he said with a smile kissing my forehead…jeese I love this man.

“well I know my dad is dead…and the funeral was a few weeks ago..” I said quietly “I came to erms with it but will you come to his grave with me?” I asked nicely and he nodded at me

“anything for you..and I mean it…anything” he said grinning and I nodded at him.

“good…I love you justin..and your song…when I was stuck in the darkness brought me back to the light” I said grinning and he smiled and tipped my chin up kissing me softly.

“I love you too ree ree..we still need to have our anniversary date!’” he said and I sweat dropped a bit and he laughed “just dinner and a show I promise nothing extreme for a while..how about going to see phantom of the opera” he asked and I laughed taking his hand in mine.

“sounds good to me bieber…sounds good to me” I whispered closing my eyes and falling asleep in his arms as he hummed Find Me.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now