Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Chapter 30...dont hate me!

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I woke up later next to justin and he was absently stroking my hair and I smiled snuggling close to justin. He stopped for a second and I looked up at him staring down at me I kissed his cheek softly sitting up pushing my hair back from my face carefully.

“so…what do you want to do?” I asked him and just then my mom came in looking frazzled looking at us both on the phone.

“honey can you go to the store for me please..” she said putting her hand over the mouth piece. “STOP IT! She is MY daughter and I know how to raise her so back off!” she yelled into the phone justin got up and grabbed the list nodding his head at my mom and she looked relieved “my niece and go sit on a stick and spin for all I care she has insulted my daughter for the last time!” my mom yelled and I went wide eyed at her and I laughed nervously.

I edged by my mom and grabbed my boots walked behind justin as we left the house and went to his car…well the batmobile..

“can I drive?” I asked hyperly looking at it and he laughed shaking his head at me amusement in his eyes.

“sorry honey not today…” he said sighing and I pouted sliding into the passenger seat and we drove to the store.

We got out and people snapped photos of us going around the store and getting things justin would keep his hand in mine as we walked down the aisles getting the things needed.

“justin?” a girls voice asked and justin turned going wide eyed in shock at who he saw…she was pretty I guess…she looked familiar.

“Jessica?” he asked shocked and his face went nervous as he looked at her and I squeezed his hand he didn’t even notice…weird.

“hey…I heard about the engagement..whose the lucky girl?” she asked slight jealousy in her voice and I crossed my arms over my chest.

“me…” I said looking at her and she looked at me with a slight glare on her face and she turned her attention to justin.

“so…what have you been up to?” she asked looking at him and he shrugged moving away from her outreached hand and she cringed around the eyes.

“writing music…hanging with aria, ryan, chaz, Emily, and lilly planning the wedding” he said shrugging at her and she nodded biting her lower lip.

“well congrats..” she said rubbing her left arm nervously and I heard the clicks of cameras so I kept a happy smile on my face faking and hiding my annoyance.

“im going to go get some more things..meet me by the meat section” I said kissing his cheek and walking down the aisle to the meat area looking at the list grabbing what was needed.

I waited for about ten minutes and he still wasn’t back I sighed and went down the aisles grabbing pop, water, juice, milk….chips, dip, pasta, sauce and everything and by the time I was done I looked at my phone seeing no messages wondering where I was…weird.

I walked down the aisle and saw justin and Jessica laughing along with talking while she ran her hands along his arms….GRRRR….yeah jealousy was definitely inside me…stupid green monster…but justin is mine and I know it.

“justin…ready?” I asked walking up the cart was full right now and he looked at me shocked while I tood there arms crossed.

“yeah justin…ill see you later call me so we can hang out..” she said winking and walking off with justins hands in his pockets and I stood there arms crossed.

“we’ll talk in the car” I said softly in his ear and he nodded as we walked to the cashier and we smiled at eachother.

We paid and walked to the batmobile putting things away and I slid into the passenger seat the windows were tinted pretty much black. “aria….she doesn’t mean anything to me anymore” he said as we pulled away from the store.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now