Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Chapter 34

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  • Dedicated to TO ALL OF MY FANS!

I was at my house with Emily, lilly, alfredo, a few of justins other friends and we were all decked out in sweat pants, hoodies, mustaches, and it was ridiculous we had just made a fun video of call me maybe. I was still dancing to it too! 

I looked at justin fiddling on the computer editing it still as me and Emily both bumped hips while my mom and pattie finished getting everything planned for the wedding in three months. “all done..time to post on youtube..and twitter” justin said slightly grumpy that lilly shoved him away and me away from eachother kissing in the video.

“aww you still mad?” lilly asked making a pouty face and I laughed a bit from my perch on the bed as she sat on ryans lap..he proposed to her earlier it was so cute!

“yes” he said turning around in the chair and I grinned running over before sitting right on his lap he wrapped his arms around my waist burying his face in my hair. 

“aww…babe the fans would have growled at us!” I said massaging the back of his neck..he just grunted at me in annoyance. “would a kiss make you feel better?” I asked him amused and he looked up at me with his doe eyes and he nodded…everyone groaned as I smiled down at him; they slowly left the room as I bent down kissing him slowly and surely from my spot on his lap.

I soon pulled away and looked down at justin with a tiny grin on my lips right now as he contently played with my hair. “so what should we do today?” he asked nicely looking up at me and I thought about it for a minute. 

“I seriously have no idea…wait..i have a dress fitting at 4” I murmured looking at my phone and saw I had about a half hour before I had to go to it.

“damn..alright..dinner tonight?” he asked me nicely I nodded grinning at him “I might as well work on the new album” he said kissing my cheek and he patted my side so I would get up which I did. I slowly stretched as my mom and the girls came in looking at me and justin.

“alright time to go sweetie” my mom said nicely and I looked at justin sadly..i hate leaving him..ugh! we went dress shopping and finally after two hours finally found the dress I wanted. I quickly took it off as Scooter texted me asking me to go to the Ellen show..dear me..

It is justins birthday and I hate leaving him on his birthday…..i grinned a bit and nodded pulling on my long sleeve brown sweater, my skinny jeans, and a pair of boots my hair in a ponytail as I headed down. I grinned as I was hooked up quickly to the mic as scooter talked to justin.

“I do have another surprise for you justin..” scooter said with a grin as Ellen looked at justin grinning cheesily looking from justin to scooter…she doesn’t know either.

“oh really?...besides this awesome car?” he asked laughing and Ellen looked so lost right now haha. I grinned at them all arms crossed over my chest.

“okay..so where is aria now?” scooter asked randomly when it went quiet and justin sighed a bit looking upset.

“dress shopping and she refuses to send me a picture of the dress!” justin said and Ellen patted him on the back.

“well..atleast you two are okay..” Ellen said and justin grined cheesily at the camera as I walked up behind him and the crowd cheered then died down. 

I snuck up behind Ellen then ninjad behind justin jumping onto his back screaming “OH MY GOD I AM TUCHING JUSTIN BIEBER! OH MY BIEBER OH GOD! DON’T LET ME DOWN MARRY ME!” I yelled and Ellen was in hysterics as justin froze slowly looking over his shoulder and saw me there he relaxed.

“jeese aria don’t scare me like that!” he said laughing as I grinned kissing his cheek and hopped down waving to the crowd.

“thank you guys!” I yelled grinning at justin happily 

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now