Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber CHAPTER 7

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I sighed annoyed at the party I looked around and sighed a bit I looked seeing justin talking to someone and I walked over and heard justin. “yeah I win give me my 50 bucks…I got aria to believe I liked her..” he said smiling and I glared a bit and clenched my teeth angrily we are promised to eachother.

“what?...” I asked and justin looked behind him and looked at Alex Evans and I glared and turned around to justins shocked face. I grabbed champagne and started to drink i fell for it all and justin just broke my heart. “justin” I said turning around and he was drinking a champagne as well it was allowed here and adults were watching. “I must say…you’re the biggest loser ever!” I said as my head spun nicely with the drink.

He looked at me angrily and drank some more grabbing another ignoring justin this was a big party for justins new Christmas CD. I smirked and he went onto the stage and grabbed two mics and I sipped another…possibly my third.

“hey…tony you know the song the song your so vain?” he asked and they argued and I looked at him walking up looking at him.  “can you work with me here?...this song is for aria this must be one of her favorites..” he said and I walked up champagne in hand and my mom and melody looked shocked she is very pregnant and our friends were looking at eachother nervously. “you walk into the party..like you were walking onto a yacht” he sang off key and I glared at him angrily “you had your hat pulled down..wearing a scarf I think it was apricot” he sang off key and I glared taking the mic in my hand.

“strategically tipped below one eye” I said through gritted teeth and felt angrier then ever at him and melody looked nervous rubbing her bulging belly.

“yeah that looking into the mirror..” he sang and I glared taking it and I looked at justin grinding my teeth

“and all the girls think they can be your partner..theyd be his partner” I sang not very wel at this point and I smiled sickly sweet…”cause hes so vain..you probably think this song is about you..Justin bieber your so vain probably think this song is about you don’t you don’t you?” I sang glaring at him and he looked like he was enjoying himself.

“haha yeah” he said and I officially lost it..this is the last straw bieber..

“no no! you fooled me into thinking you loved me all because of a stupid bet with my EX!” I yelled into the mic. “you should feel so ashamed..”

“you you took me to a stupid Brittney spears concert you made me miss the big game!” he yelled and peopled were muttering to themselves and I snorted and smiled looking at everyone sarcastically.

“ohhh smart guys a rhymer…well do we want everyone to know your kissing is LAaaaME” I sang lame and he snarled a bit.

“oh yeah because you named my guitar..you named my guitar..after a dame!” he said looking angry everyone was in shock some laughing.

“you know I really think you need to get over that..” I said gesturing with my champagne glass. “your so vain!”

“no your so vain!” he yelled back

“no your incredibly vain!” I yelled back and he looked shocked

“YOUR SO VAIIIIIIIIIN” we sang to eachother

I walked off the stage and got really angry feeling horrible right now…I turned to alex to see him smirking and I pulled my fist back decking him straight in the face and he stumbled back holding his nose and I smiled in satisfaction kneeing him in the nuts and he went down hard.  I looked at my friends and took the ring off handing it to ryan. “there she does ladies and gentlemen” he said into the mic and I snarled and nodded to them.

“see you guys later I might not see you guys for a while..” I said walking out of the party and I took my heels off and hailed a cab to the airport in a silky red dress…yeah my best move..

I looked around and handed the cab some cash and got out and went to the desk getting a ticket to get some new sites and I decided on going someplace new…italy?...i think so.

I sighed and sat down tears running down my face and throughout the flight I was kicking myself over and over I was so stupid…so incredibly stupid..ugh..i made it to Italy and bought a new wardrobe after getting a hotel room and I sighed a bit.

I sat on the bed and turned the tv on and our scene was on tv…damn I was so drunk and I looked at justin he looked so upset afterwards hiding it behind his anger..i bit my lip and I looked at the questions floating around.

“he deserves it..” I muttered turning the tv off and I looked at my phone I called my mom explaining she said it was fine as long as I was safe. I texted my friends and made them swear not to tell justin where I am.

I sighed and looked at my hands this will be a long two weeks..

Over the two weeks I had fun being myself without a problem with a red wig on my head and sunglasses and I grinned a bit its night time and I was sighing sadly I have new songs written and justins song was a top hit.

I wasn’t surprised and everyone is wondering where I am including my fans and I wasn’t going to answer I was relaxing and getting my head on straight for the first time in a while.  I heard a voice behind me I never wanted to hear again..justins..

“ree?...please tell me that’s you..” he begged I turned and looked at justin and he sighed relaxing..how the heck did he know it was me?

“justin go away…I never want to see you or alex evans again!” I hissed turning and walking away from him and I looked at him and saw him coming after me and he took my hand and I stopped looking up seeing a shooting star.

“Just talk to me…please..” he begged and I looked at him as the movie tangled’s song I see the light going through my head and I looked seeing justin with bloodshot  eyes and the same clothes he wore at the party and he was scruffy.

“justin why did you do it?....all of this..?...all for one stupid bet..?” I asked quietly he looked at me andbit his lip nervously.

“it was stupid I was mad about kyle” he said softly I looked at him confused and he sighed “I saw how kyle was with you..i was so jealous and I had already made the bet alex was following you..and he ugh he got in contact on how to get even and he did…and I am so sorry I really do care for you aria..” he said softly and I gulped in shock at his declaration…

“justin..i…I don’t know what to say to that..” I said softly tears rolling down my face.

“just say you still care and love me too.” He said looking at me pleadingly.


Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now