Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Chapter 33

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---Justins pov---

I sat there looking at the dvd a couple days later trying everything I could and aria was getting frustrated but she was also patient trying different tactics as I watched I saw tons more pictures of us laying next to eachother..at the carnival in Atlanta I think..and we were on the ferris wheel kissing..i kind of smiled at that and then a video popped up of me in bed and aria asleep in my arms I looked kind of grumpy..

“so..justin how did you get sick?” usher asked as aria slept on snuggled close to me and looked worse for wear..

“I kissed aria when she was sleeping hoping my immune system would work against the flu..” I said looking up at usher as he snickered behind the camera.

“and that taught you what exactly?” usher asked amusement in his voice right now and I pouted in bed stroking arias hair absently.

“not to kiss my girlfriend when she is sleeping and sick..i will get sick as well..you happy?” I asked my voice nasally as I coughed and blew my nose. “the upside though is that I am spending it with her and I cant kiss her now since I am already sick” I winked at the camera cheekily and twirled some of arias hair before leaning down kissing her softly.

She blarily blinked open her eyes and she sat up raising an eybrow and saw usher had a camera and she went wide eyed. “usher…turnt hat damn thing off!” she yelled nasally and she looked around grabbing used tissues.

“oh don’t you dare babygirl!” he yelled and she tackled him making the camera clatter to the ground and you could hear them wrestling around.

“HAHHAHA now youll get sick too!” she yelled triumphantly.

The next one showed usher in bed sick and aria was fine as was I as I could see anyway and she laughed. “so…what did we learn ush?” she asked cheekily as I laughed in the background.

“that aria is an epic person and can get anyone sick..and not to mess with her when she is sleeping next to justin for ‘us’ time” he said using air quotes and she mmhmmed.

“see usher I told you not to mess with her..” I said grinning and the camera shut off and went to the next photos.

I kind of remember that..its blurry though in my mind..i sat there watching the videos of us everywhere doing so many things..and a few made me upset like us arguing at a party and the song your so vain and it seemed to be from someone else…I felt guilty and slightly amused at me being drunk off of champagne of all things..

“jeese I was a mess..is…is that usher?” I wondered aloud and I looked at him carefully as he looked at me sternly.

“justin..i popped in quickly we edited the video don’t worry the happy memories will come back but we are randomly coming in during the good ones relax..and listen..aria is a saint to you…you kind of well..you broke her heart after a few months of hanging out..you liked her justin you wouldn’t shut up about her actually and wrote the song pray for her dad and her..you kissed alesha after a talent show and broke arias heart…you did it out of jealousy for some guy named kyle..that was around the time she got her record deal.” He said shaking his head and a photo flew up of us kissing. “don’t do it again boy!” he said warningly “and then you two didn’t talk for a year and it drove you mad until you got the guts from me of course and went to see her and you kissed her at the concert when you two finally got together..she was incredibly happy” he said grinning “she told you she wanted more then friendship and ran..” he said softly “do you remember that day justin?” he asked and my head hurt and I closed my eyes trying to force the memory..maybe that would work I paused the dvd focusing on finding that memory…hoping I could maybe it would help if I got one started.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now