Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Chapter 20

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I stood in my room I felt queasy…I have no idea why.. “justin…are you sure it’s a good idea..” I said looking over at him and letting my hair down hoping the headache would go away..

“yeah I am sure..i want to be with you tonight…just snuggled up in your bed watching movies..scooter, usher, and mom are doing work today along with ryan so we’ll be out of their hair” he said with a shrug. I nodded closing my eyes and the room spun…uh oh..

“oh dear..” I muttered jumping out of bed tripping on the blankets as I went into my bathroom over the toilet bowl puking my gut out.

“babe..you okay?” Justin asked and I went to reply when I puked again I heard the door open and shut as justin pulled my hair away from my face and put a hair tie in my hair to keep it back. “I am going to get you a cool cloth..” he said I nodded and groaned..i felt horrible..

“ugh..you don’t have to do this..” I said sighing a bit as I flushed the toilet justin chuckled and shook his head a bit.

“I want to..” he said putting the cool cloth on my forehead handing me another to wipe my face with…I smiled up at him as he gave me mouth wash which I swirled around my mouth spitting into the toilet.

“your too sweet sometimes justin I love you” I said smiling and feeling shaky as I leaned against the wall

“I love you too..” he said with a smile he pulled out his phone and I felt queasy again and I went to the toilet puking again. “hey…ma…listen is Melinda there?” justin asked and I sighed and started to dry heave…it hurt a lot. “hey Melinda its justin..Yeah..Arias got the stomach bug…yeah..yeah…of course..yeah..thanks Melinda” he said with a smile “yeah ill get her to bed don’t worry..” justin said looking at me.

“ugggggh” I groaned flushing the toilet…I shakily got to my feet and stumbled to the sink to rinse out my mouth and wash my hands and face. “bed time..” I groaned stumbling to my bed and curling into the blankets shivering justin looked at me.

He crawled over me to the wall so I can get out of bed if need be..he put an arm around me and kept his cold hand on my stomach it felt amazing..i sighed closing my eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up to someone humming the song ‘UP’ one of my personal favorites and then it turned to words. I grinned it was justin and I still felt like crap. “justin..has it been two hours?” I asked him and he jumped a bit and looked down at me and then to the clock.

“actually its been 5..” he said slowly and I nodded over at him and he got up and looked at me. “so what does mi’lady need?” he questioned and I nodded.

“water..cold preferably…and possibly a pain reliever for my headache..” I said curling into the blankets he nodded and went into the bathroom and came out with a pain reliever that reduces fever and I smiled up at him. I sat up shakily as I heard a knock at the door. “come in!’ I said and I took a sip of the water and then the pills and another sip of water.

“hey honey…how you feeling?” my mom asked nicely and I smiled at her rubbing the back of my neck looking up at my boyfriend.

“a lot better..justins doing a good job taking care of me..” I said softly he grinned shyly looking down at me taking my hand in his stroking the ring on my hand.

“that’s good…listen we are all going out to eat..you two going to be okay alone?” my mom asked and I nodded at her.

“definitely..” I said looking over at justin “I am thinking about watching a movie and passing back out anyway..” I said shrugging at her.

“good..ill bring something back for you justin..any preferences?” my mom asked and he thought about it for a minute.

“pasta would be great..or just get me a cheeseburger from mccdonalds” he said with a shrug she nodded kissing my forehead and left.

“movie?” I asked and he picked thor and I slowly fell asleep to Loki talking about something or another as I slowly passed into oblivion with justin keeping me warm from the cold.

I woke up the next day around noon..apparently I passed out for a long time too..jeese..i felt a lot better and I heard voices downstairs. I slowly got up and shakily took a shower and sipped some cold water and felt a lot better. I sighed changing into sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt with a hoodie and my hair in a messy bun.

I walked downstairs and saw justin eating fries and a burger I licked my lips and grabbed some crackers to start with. “hey..” I said and justin looked up grinning pulling me close and putting a French fry in my mouth. I chewed and swallowed..waited a minute or two..but I didn’t get sick which is definitely a good thing..

“much better” justin said kissing me softly and I grinned pulling up a stool and sat on it munching on crackers and my mom gave me a Gatorade.

“thanks ma” I said with a smile

:anytime sweetie..just going to lounge about today?” she asked and I nodded

“well..i have to go and record some songs if you want to come” justin said softly and I shrugged a bit

“maybe..i think it would be better if I stayed home just in case my stomch decided to go against me..” I said softly.

“ill bring some movies by later..” he said kissing my forehead and throwing out his garbage  “I love you” he said kissing me.

“I love you too..go record I’ll be fine” I said with a smile he nodded and left and I went back upstairs and laid in bed falling back to sleep.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now