Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Wedding Part 2

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Authors note: the much awaited second part is now up!!!

I walked down slowly keeping my head down as usher walked me down the aisle. Photos were being taken like crazy.  The song is I'll Be Edwin McCain is actually singing it...i was so excited when he offered to after finding out that i was going to use it. I took a deep shaky breath slowly looking up at my husband justin drew bieber...well very soon to be.

He looked phenominal right now and i smiled through my light purple veil and squeezed ushers arm in anxiousness wanting to run up to him and be there already. I relaxed a bit as usher chuckled quietly next to me.

"sorry..." I whispered softly for only him to hear. I saw pattie and my mom crying. I smiled softly as i looked up at justin...my justin...my everything in life...

I smiled as we stopped finally and i turned to usher and he lifted my veil over my head as i smiled at him. We kissed eachothers cheeks and i laughed as i got lipstick on his cheek. "sorry.." i said blushing.

"its fine..." he said chuckling as did everyone else. I blushed harder biting my bottom lip as usher looked at justin and i did too. He was chuckling a bit as he held his hand out our hand were put together."i Usher raymond the third give Aria Black to you justin bieber" he said as i smiled as we were lead up to the alter.

It was beautlful up here and we did what we were supposed to. It went by in a blur till the vows. I kept my gaze on justin the whoel time. I am glad it was being recorded because i honestly couldnt tell you anything until the vows.

Justin was going first as i looked at him and he looked me in the eyes for a moment before smiling a slow content smile his eyes full of pure love. I felt my breath catch as i saw it coming into his eyes. No doubt ever again that he loves me.

"Aria...ree...when i first met you in that dance studio...i saw an amazing dancer, a beautiful girl, also very clumsy..." he said chuckling as i laughed a bit. 'you tripped over air and got knocked out for two hours." he said laughing as did the crowd as i blushed looking down. "Anyway....after you FINALLY woke up...your eyes spoke volumes to me..i saw that i could trust you..its hard to find that in my business...throughout my mistakes...which were many...and through your mistakes...we made it here through the tears, fighting, breaking up, your father dying...i love you ree and i cant stay away...I know we were made for eachother and god brought you to me..." he said smiling at me and wiped my cheek and i felt something wet.

"oh dear...i promised i wasnt going to cry..t.hat failed" I said laughing as i carefully wiped my tears trying not to ruin my makeup. I heard some chuckles and laughter from beside me i was kind of nervous to look. "I honeslty can say i was always a fan of yours...with a crush on you..." I said nervously as everyone laughed. Man i was doing well keeping the humor up. "Yeah yeah...anyway...i was so shocked on my birthday of all days to find out my best friends! are your best friends...and you came in swagger up...and i tripped in shock" I said fake glaring. He chuckled at me and i smiled as he stroked the back of my hand. "Anyway...after tears, yelling, fighting, singing, touring, people passing away, and me getting injured...you getting injured...we are finally here...we are finally getting married and i promise to you..that i wont ever intentionally hurt you! i will be there for you through thick and thin..doesnt matter if we have no money, food or anything i will be there with you through it all...i love you."  I said smiling showing him with my eyes...hoping i dont look riddiculous as he smiled and everyone.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife...you may now kiss your bride" the priest said as justin got a sly smile on his face pulling me close and he dipped me kissing me deeply. I sank into the kiss smiling as cheers erupted through the whole church and i saw flashes through my eyelids as he slowly brought me up. "I now introduce Mr. Justin Drew Bieber and Mrs. Aria Marie Bieber!" the priest said as i grinned bending over taking my shoes off and he winked stepping down a few steps and i hopped on his back as we ran out of the church laughing and. we stopped getting photos taken.

Lily and Melody hugged my sides making me smile huge as Emily kissed my cheek hugging me as did my boys. I cried a bit as the wedding crew took photos with eachother. I smiled through the whole thing and justin dragged us to the limo yelling out.

"RECEPTION WILL START IN AN HOUR BE THERE!!!!" he yelled as i laughed in the limo.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now