Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Chapter 26

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 I sat at the interview with Ellen and smiled looking around feeling nervous…I was going to talka bout being back and my new CD I was working on currently. I sighed pushing my hair away from my face and smiled at Ellen.

“hello” she said with a nice smile and I grinned at her nodding my head at her and answered her.

“hello Ellen..” I said looking at her and she took a deep breath and I grinned at her easily. “Ellen…you can act normal around me its not like I came back from the dead” I said with a laugh and she relaxed at that and laughed.

“alright alright I am sorry its just shocking..you were in a coma!” she said exaggerating making me laugh a bit.

“I know…I know…trust me I know” I said laughing and she shook her head looking at me.

“okay so its been heard you had an out of body experience when you were in the coma” she said thoughtfully and I laughed a bit.

“actually I hardly remember anything except waking up”  I said with a laugh “seriously though I love my new album!” I said laughing a bit shaking my head at Ellen and she looked intrigued.

“do you have a song you can sing for us?” she asked and I laughed a bit and blushed heavily.

“ummm I have two love me or let me go (avery)…well that was when me and justin had one of our many fights…and so is goodbye… (Kristinia debarge)..also sabotage is my personal problems sometimes I have and my sister helped inspire it I couldn’t help it though.. (Kristinia debarge).” I said blushing a bit and I heard snickers throughout the room. “they were too good to let go..so I decided to put them up..” I said shrugging and she nodded at me.

“good sing them for me” she said grinning and I sighed and nodded standing up it was warm out so I wore a white tanktop…plaid button up..a denim vest..a pair of ripped shorts that aren’t too short a pair of leather boots.

My hair was down and curled and I stood up smiling and looked at justin and he nodded at me in appreciation he hasn’t heard it yet…oops.

I walked over in that and stood in front of the mic as the guy put my cd in that Usher gave him and usher gave me a thumbs up. Justin stood next to him and I bit my lower lip..goodbye was a fun song.

Am I supposed to put my life on hold

because you don't know how to act

and you don't know where your life is going

Am I supposed to be torn apart, broken hearted, in a corner crying?

Pardon me if I don't show it

I don't care if I never see you again

I'll be alright

Take this final piece of advice and get yourself together,

but either way baby, I'm gone

I sang biting my lower lip bouncing my left leg to the beat and I grinned over at justin and winked and he grinned dancing to it making me grin blushing  abit.


I'm so over it, I've been there and back

Changed all my numbers and just in case you're wondering

I got that new 

I'm a single girl swag

Got me with my girls and we're singin' it...... Sing!

na na na na hey, na na na na hey

hey hey hey


Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now