Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber CHAPTER 10

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 I had sent justin to bed while I paced back and forth, back and forth, back and forth I cant believe this…I cant believe this I don’t know if I should be sad or happy about it..wow…this was…actually shocking I don’t understand why but it is..

I sighed and paced back and forth and called Lily and Emily and chatted with them about everything and they can understand where I am coming from..which is good and I had no idea what to do now..

“alright ill call you guys later and tell melody and mom I am okay” I said smiling a bit I bit my lower lip and hung up going onto the balcony looking at the stars thinking things over. “I cant believe he loves me..” I whispered looking up at the stars the ones I used to wish on when I was younger I dreamed and wished this would happen. Now that it actually has..i have no clue what to do…I bit my lip I could get hurt again..is it worth it?

I bit my lip thinking about me and justin and the fun we did have together I don’t want to lose it..do I love him back?...

I sat for two hours thinking this over the pros and cons

Another two hours later found me drinking coffee with vanilla creamer and wondering how to go about my choice without bad outcomes

Another hour later I walked into justins room with a guitar in my arms and I sighed nervously trying to get the courage to do this.

we were both young..when I first saw you..i close my eyes and the flashback starts I am standing there….on a balcony in summer air..” I sang and he groaned a bit and I got louder I sang the song and he woke just after the second verse and he watched me closely. After I finished he opened his arms to me smiling a sleepy smile and I grinned a bit. I nodded and crawled into the bed with him and curled into his arms and sighed a bit.

“that was beautiful babe” he whispered kissing my forehead “so I am guessing I am forgiven for the most part” he whispered softly I smiled and nodded keeping quiet.

“yeah…I..i love you too” I whispered and he grinned down at me and kissed me softly making me feel happier than ever.

I felt my eyes droop from exhaustion and I fell into a deep sleep…I woke up the next day and justin wasn’t there. I was gasping for air..and looked around and I realized it was just a dream…I hate this why does this always happen?...i now realized what really happened I walked around and got tired watching Tangled and another sappy movie and fell asleep..man my over active imagination needs to stop..and now.

“it was only just a dreaaaam..” my phone sang and I grabbed it and picked it up

“hello?..black here” I said sighing a bit pushing my hair from my face and I heard a sigh on the other end.

“how are you babygirl?” usher asked and I sighed a bit.

“could be better whats up?” I asked curiously and usher sighed again.

“how would you like to be doing an episode of CSI?” he asked and I thought about it and shrugged

“sure” I said smiling and he coughed a bit.

“alright sounds good when are you going to be back?...everyone is worried” he said I sighed

“tonight..” I said and he agreed and hung up.

I bit my lip and packed and took my plane back home I looked warn and I put makeup on in the bathroom after washing my face I also fixed my hair. I looked a hell of a lot better…when I did make it back to Atlanta I turned my phone on and had tons of drunk messages from justin. I was in shock his voice was slurring a lot.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now