Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Wedding Part 1

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I stood on the pedestal and looked at my mom who had tears in her eyes as I smiled nervously..today was the day..i am marrying justin drew bieber..he was finally going to be mine..through all the fighting, tears, coma, losing his memory, and the drama he was going to be my husband..

My hair is curled and I smiled a bit at the makeup on my face..i felt like I was going to panic..what if he left me at the alter..or said ‘I don’t’ or ‘I  cant do this?’ I fidgeted with my fingers wringing them like crazy as I tried to calm down. I was incredibly nervous right now and I had every right to be..

“honey relax” Melinda said and I looked at her with a smile on my face and looked back down her bridesmaid dress is long, purple, and silk. I looked forward and smiled a bit at my reflection I do look amazing with her hair in a curled up do along with the other two girls..and I had my hair looking like taylor swifts in love story it was actually looking really nice…I already had my gifts and smiled at the purple barret in my hair along with my grandmothers necklace on my dads side, and a blue garter I borrowed.

“I am trying I am just scared pre wedding jitters.” I muttered as I stepped down we are in the church and the paps have been going nuts to see my dress and style.  We somehow managed to keep it out of the media.

I sighed and bit my lower lip as Emily and lilly came in with smiles on their faces and I grinned over at them as Emily stood in a short silk dress and Emily like the one Melinda is wearing and I hugged them both happily as we smiled.

“and to think..just two years ago I was just a fan..and now I am here marrying the man I love” I squeaked out and the girls grinned at me in turn as I looked in the mirror again..it was so strange..

“I know and now he is panicking in the church hoping you wont walk out” lilly said laughing and I shook my head making sure everything was in place as the veil was put over my face as a knock was at the door.

“babygirl its me you okay?” usher asked and I sighed a bit and squeaked out an answer that allowed him to come in. he looked nice in a tux…very clean. “oh my babygirl you are so gorgeous today” usher said smiling and I hugged him around the waist sighing a bit.

“thank you ush for everything..” I mumbled into his chest and he hugged me back and let me go looking me up and down.

“justin is a very lucky man” he said assuredly and I grinned at him as I was led out of the room my mom going to her seat and the girls lined up with their escorts and I was in the back as the flower girl jazzy moved back and forth and jax had the rings.

“its really happening..my vision came true” I mumbled softly looking at all of the white lilies and I looked around in awe at everything it was beautiful..the church is absolutely gorgeous and the church was filled with a TON of people…it was kind of ridiculous if you thought about it..i was a nobody..and here I am with tons of friends and family inside waiting for me to enter..

I looked down shifting a bit as I was handed the boquet of white roses and lilies it looked beautiful with a purple ribbon around them. I still remember me and justin arguing about it and finally coming to the conclusion to mix the flowers.

Usher wasn’t wearing his shades today thankfully and I heard the music start and I felt nerves, and adrenaline hitting me so I shook a bit. “relax sweetheart ill catch you..” he whispered softly “and your father is watching in heaven so he is still here” he whispered as if he was reading my mind. I smiled at him thankfully and sighed then took a deep breath as I saw cameras, and the girls walked in confidently.

I waited and waited till I finally knew my cue…time to shine aria..time to shine…

I took a deep breath and stepped my first step to forever..

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now