Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Chapter 23

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I stood there confused as my Dad stood there in a white t shirt, white button up, white pants and shoes and socks..weird..it was striking against his tan skin. “am I dying?” I asked him and he smiled softly at me and shook his head at me.

“no..your not..i died in the line of duty…as it should be…I was sent here by one of gods messengers to help keep you where you should be..and to help the process of getting you back to justin..” he said pointing at my love my boyfriend..justin drew bieber.

“daddy..its not fair why did you have to die?” I asked tears rolling down my face and my dad looked panicked as the alarms went off showing I was losing myself and dying; my heart was stopped.

“no no crying or intense emotions save it for after you come back to your body sweetie if you give up..youll be gone forever and a lot of people would miss you” he said holding me close as I cried harder he smelled as he always did..spear mint and cigars..

“i-i-I im sorry..” I sobbed out as I heard people rushing around and I turned trying to relax myself as justin jolted awake freaking out.

---Justins pov---

“Wh-whats going on?” I asked panicking looking at them putting the paddles on aria again..and I bit my lower lip. “come on ree..dont die..” I begged we are in the best hospital in Canada we shipped her out yesterday and I paid for it all.

“she relapsed give me some more power” a doctor said and he put them onto her and it unnerved me seeing her body jolt up from the impact. I bit my lower lip and I sighed feeling tears rolling down my face again..for the third time today I think I lost count…

---Arias pov---

I watched my body jolt up and I sighed a bit looking as I had calmed down and had finally accepted my daddy..was dead..

I saw my heart start up and they pulled back and watched my checking my vitals..ugh I look horrible.. my dad put his hand on my shoulder and turned me to look at justin looking relieved and falling into his chair putting his face in hands and I walked over putting my hand on his shoulder but it went through again..jeese I cant even comfort my boyfriend from here..

“see you have a lot to lose…and justin would die inside if you died..” he said I looked over at my dad and he smiled sitting on the window ledge watching everything. “he loves you ree you should have seen him when you first got knocked out…he bargained and made tons of promises to god…to keep you alive..and god answered putting you into a coma instead..” he said smiling at me and I nodded at my dad and sighed watching Emily and lilly coming in looking freaked out at all the nurses standing around me along with the head doctor.

“what happened?” Emily asked freaking out and I smiled my best friend..she looked different…like reality had punched her in the face.

“she flatlined..i swear the more I stay here the more I hate hospitals..” justin muttered in a joking tone to hide how freaked out he really was..

“I know..i cant believe this…the first time she meets you she gets knocked out..just tripping over air and now a snowboarding accident..” lilly said twirling her pinkish red hair and I smiled a bit.

“I bet if she was watching us she would either punch us in the face or hug us to death and try to cheer us up…playing josh and tyler videos..singing along with them…” Emily said as a tear rolled down her face I ached to wipe it away but I cant.

“okay...so how do we get her out of the coma?” lilly asked trying to change the subject making me smile and Emily shrugged along with justin.

“I can answer that question…” the doctor said turning..i swear he looked like Carlisle Cullen from twilight…hair and all. “read her books…talk to her…anything she likes..try to get her to feel comfortable enough to come out…she got scared and panicked putting herself into a hibernation state..bring her out of it..” he said nodding to everyone and leaving and I snorted crossing my arms over my chest.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now