Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber CHAPTER 13

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Over the next few weeks justin took the paternity test and everything was getting stressful with us and I couldn’t help but sigh a bit…weve been arguing again..i didn’t want to but justin hardly calls me from his tour and I was getting annoyed really annoyed..

“STOP IT ARIA!” he yelled finally I was in tears now..on webcam with justin and I looked at him shocked he hasn’t ever yelled at me like that before. I looked at my hands and let the tears fall holding my head up stronger then before and I shot him a glare.

“justin..all I was asking was to talk to you more you only call me once or twice a week..never answer my texts…I am worried…” I whispered looking at him and he ran an impatient hand through his hair and shook his head laughing.

“Aria…don’t worry I have been busy..you don’t need to worry about me anymore..i promise youll never have to talk to me again..” he said smirking making me gulp in fear..he wasn’t…after everything. “I am dumping you ree..dont you get it?...” he asked I looked into his eyes and saw sadness behind them through the screen like he didn’t want to but he had to.

“Fine..but ill be doing the dumping justin…I am done no more us..nothing I am done..” I said crying and justin looked broken really broken I must mirror his expression. I knew it..and I have no idea where this was coming from.  I decided to leave one last jab at a movie we watched at the staples center..Moulin Rouge…it was my birthday gift and we both agreed Come what may was sort of our song and I grinned shaking my head and choked out the words I knew or atleast hoped would kill him. “come what may justin” I said shutting off the movie and I shook my head tears rolling down my face…why…why did this always happen to us?...why did I have to be like this with justin?...why did this happen to me of all people.

I was normal once..going t dance classes all the time…singing for the hell of it..writing songs..hanging with Emily, ryan, and chaz…being goofballs..just normal with my mom and my dad who is back over seas.

Until justin came into my life it was simple..and I had even wrote down after the dream or vision I had of us together in my journal. I read it every once in a while just for the heck of it..and I name it U Smile..after one of my favorite songs of his.

I looked at the journal and my Cork board I made of me and justin and the other with us 6 all together and I looked at it and got a determined look on my face. Not this time.. I am going to get him back even if it kills me..I am going to go get him..and I know exactly how I just hope the girls can help me find the costume.

---three days later---

I was standing in the airport in a red wig and I have pale concealer on so I look washed out wearing gloves and different clothes then I would normally wear..they are emo  actually well more scene and exaggerated makeup so no one would recognize me and give away what I was doing.

The costume we found easily from nichole kidman herself helped me retrieve it and fixed it to fit me. She thought it was really romantic what I was doing making me grin actually at the words she used. I sighed and went into a bathroom at the place he was doing the concert and I bit my lower lip he was going to be doing a private soundcheck and lily and Emily came with me and were going to hijack the soundsystem.

Emily had found out I was being threatened through justins emails and mail itself that if he didn’t dump me I would be killed..but don’t worry dean and Alice are with me too. I grinned slipped the dress on and I did my hair the same way satine did but no headpiece. I sighed and wiped my tears from my fears of justin rejecting me..i wont let it happen no matter what..

I bit my lower lip and Emily soothed me as she zipped up the dress and it felt constricting but I didn’t care right now. I slipped the heels on and nodded pulling on the jacket and went backstage to look at justin and he looked at me annoyed.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now