Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber The Reception

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The third and final chapter is here, im doing a short story on the honeymoon and...well youll just have to wait! I need 10 votes and 5 comments to do another book. Want a one shot? Message or comment for me and I will!

So we made it and my second dress is in the bag for me to change into for the party. I changed my makeup quickly as the limo driver drove, justin was distracting me as he kissed my neck softly. I bit my bottom lip focusing on the job at hand. And a private yacht will be meeting us tonight after the party.

"justin..not now...i need this done right" i said laughing as he groaned sitting back sighing a bit taking his suit jacket off. He unbuttoned the first couple buttons on his shirt and i stared for a minute before going back to my makeup then took the annoying fake nails off they were driving me insane!

"alright...i say we skip the reception and go to the yacht now..." He said chipperly making me smile at him amused.

"no way! your mom would kill us...and so would usher!" i said shaking my head fixing my lipstick looking at him amused. "anyway...its worth the wait!" i said winking at him as he blushed a bit as the driver pulled into the reception area. I got out with justins help and went to change into the dress (to the right)

I let my hair down and smiled at my reflection as i put these horrible heels on and sighed walking back out the garter high up. I took a deep breath walking out to where we come out and justin immediately wrapped me in his arms.

"i cant beleive it! your married!" chaz said suddenly making me jump a bit and justin chuckled.

"yeah i know man...i got caught!" he said jokingly as chaz put his arm around emily. I smiled at them both as justin rocked us side to side humming in my ear.

"anyway..." lily said amused hugging ryans waist "so you excited for the honeymoon?" she asked as melody laughed drinking some champagne with my old bodyguard beside her.

"of course! we are going to relax and not worry about concerts, tours, fans....just me and him along with the boat captain and some waiters" I said laughing a bit as justin kissed my neck softly.

"i tried to get her to skip this...she refused" justin grumbled behind me making me laugh at his annoyance.

"oh stop! you know everyone would kill us!" i said blushing a bit as my friends laughed at how eager justin was to leave.

"Alright everyone in the bridal and groom parties to your seats! and then after they sit we will get you two!" usher said as i smiled at him and melody kissed my cheek hugging me close.

"congrats i am so happy your happy sis..." she whispered winking as she sauntered out with dean. I grinned at them shaking my head as justin looked at him and i walked over fixing his hair and shirt.

"its still unreal..." he said softly as he grabbed my hand playing with my two rings. I watched him transfixed smiling a half smile.

"i know...and all the beliebers are going to flip out" i said looking up at him and he gave me a reassuring smile grabbing my chin lightly kissing me. I kissed back holding his face in my hands relaxing in his arms.

I heard the door open and someone clear their throat as me and justin pulled back grinning at eachother like love struck fools. I wiped the lipstic off his lips and fixed mine.

"ready?" usher asked amused as justin chuckled leading me out to our table where we walked up sitting down. We ate, talked, did the speeches and chaz had everyone laughing so hard a few people ran off to the bathroom.

I smiled in contentment as we cut the cake. Justin shoved it in my face and i did the same.

The reception was amazing! I am currently sitting at the long table with my girls beside me. Justin looked at me with a soft smile on his face holding my hand in his. I bit my lip shyly as he winked at me and focused up front.

“alright! The maid of honor has a few things to say” The Dj said before Emily stood up and walked over grabbing the microphone with excited hands.

“Hello everyone! so....ive known aria for a few years now, justin for my whole life. I couldnt of chosen a better choice in a couple right here. Aria is the sweetest yet most stubborn girl ive ever know, with an amazing voice, her parents did right in naming her Aria” she started earning a few laughs from the friends and family that were invited. “Anyway, I always thouht aria and justin would be perfect,it was difficult to figure out a way to get them to meet especially with arias crazy dance schedule.” She said with a fake glare in my direction making me blush and giggle. “but when they first met and hung out, I saw instant chemistry...it was insane. Bother were too stubborn to admit it! But through all the fights, tears, and the crazy catastrophes...they are finally together and married. I love you both so much I wish you both all the luck in the world.” she finished with tears rolling down her face, she giggled and wiped them away.

“alright, next..the best man!” The dj said and down came Ryan with a big grin on his face before he took the microphone.

“HEYYYYY” he said loudly making the microphone squeal and I covered my ears groaning as did everyone else. “oops..sorry” he said chuckling. I kind of blocked out his speech as wedding night jitters kicked in.

I thought about how nervous as I was when it finally hit me that I was going to have....sex for the first time. It kind of hit me hard as ryan talked about me and justin, throwing a joke in every once in a while.

“alright...now time for the new married couple J-Ree to come down and show us their dance moves with their first dance!” The dj said about a half hour later. I smiled as I stood up and justin led me down.

We stood on the dance floor as justins newest song I didnt even know about started playing, he actually had a microphone on him as he gave a mini concert. I smiled as he sang the song to me as we swayed on the dance floor. It was magical, amazing and everything I was hoping it would be. I had no idea why I doubted it in the first place. I mean my husband is justin bieber, king of romance.

I smiled and too soon for me the song was dione and he whispered. “i will catch you if you fall, I love you ree” he whispered looking int my eyes and I smiled kissing him again.

“i love you too” I whispered after we pulled away. “forever...and always” I whispered, this is honestly our first step to forever, and I wont have it any other way.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now