Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieber Chapter 32

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I sat in my room later in a pair of sweatpants, knitted plaid boots, a t shirt that was huge saying ‘love you like a cheese sandwhich’ that was cut just below my breasts and I looked around and laid on the bed going to try and get some sleep while justin hopefully watches the dvd…please remember me…please god give me a miracle.

---Justins pov---

I sat there going my box of things I had in my wallet and a picture fell out of it…it was kind of off center…two people together. The girl I think had black hair and the guy looks how I look now…weird…is that…aria?...huh..and the dvd …should I really watch it?

“I am engaged to a girl I don’t even remember…this is so fucked usher…” I said looking up at him he had been here for a while set up in one of the guests room.

“justin..just listen okay…you two have been through a lot..and that dvd has a lot of things on it that might jog your memory it starts at the beginning I promise…everyone has something to say…aria doesn’t know we messed with it..but please boy..do this one thing for me…listen to your almighty mentor” he said joking and laughing and I smiled a bit.

“what do you think Kenny?” I asked and he looked up from his magazine looking through rumors to make sure this didn’t get out.

“trust me justin she is a keeper I actually told you that two days after you met her and you didn’t believe me..but trust me okay..” he said calmly and I stood up pacing back and forth.

“I am scared too…what if I don’t like what I remember…did we really go through a tough time?” I asked confused

“oh you have no idea…you cheated..argued…and she went into a coma…you sang her out of it…even though you messed up she still loved you enough to come back and let you back in..you don’t want to lose her justin she understands your male and mess up..she has too..but in the end you two are made for eachother” usher said patting my shoulder “you need to remember the bad so you can make sure you don’t do it again..” he said winking and I nodded grabbing the laptop and sitting down looking at it. “come on Kenny lets, let him do this alone…and get some sleep”

“remember boy..dont look away and listen closely put your head phones in” Kenny instructed me and I nodded at him putting my headphones on and sat there thinking about pushing play. I let my hand hover over the button for a minute and hit play hoping for the best….

Arias face popped up grinning like she knew something amazing..and I was curious about what it was…

“so…we have been through a tough and amazing two years on and off but still together in the heart…this video will show you what I always think of when I am with you..and the memories flooding my head when I look at our pictures on my cork board..” she said grinning and pushing her hair back. “without you knowing..ryan,chaz,Emily, and I along with lilly have put this together as a present for you for our wedding..” she looked at her hands thinking carefully. “we video recorded some of our time together some from me and you just messing around…some of us four…without Emily, lilly, ryan and chaz..i wouldn’t have met you like I did..and you know about my vision and what it led me to think about..we were meant for eachother justin no matter what we go through..” she said and nodded her head.  “alright enough talking lets show some videos!” she said pumping her fist into the air.

The first one was of me and aria at the aquarium grinning side by side as ryan and chaz got water plashed on them from a wale…nice.  I bit my lower lip and ran my thumb across it watching closely playing with my lip. The next one showed a few more shots at aquarium of us all at different moments Lilly wasn’t there though..she must come in later.

Just A Kiss (sequel to YSIS) justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now