Love Is A Big Word...And Family is bigger

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* Next day *

Meek: I love you Nic...* he strokes Nicki's hair as she lays there while he thinks she sleeps she fakes like she just woke up then looks at him*

Nicki: Morning baby. * Kisses him then gets up *

Meek: Morning beautiful...Lovely called and asked did you wanna do lunch. She's so sweet and respectful.

Nicki: Thank you and let me call her and say yes

*Nicki goes to the bathroom and call lovely *

Lovely: Hello!

Nicki: Hey baby girl!

Lovely: You wanna do lunch??

Nicki: Yea...What time is it?

Lovely: 12:00.

Nicki: I'll get dressed then come and get you then we'll go.

Lovely: No someone is picking me up and taking me. But Put on something cute I'll text you the location!

*Lovely hangs up*

Nicki: * Thinking * Put on something cute????.... What is she up too she knows me and meek is dating. I swear she is always up to something.

* Nicki goes and get dressed and Lovely text her the address Nicki looks at her phone then head to the location she pulls up and Lovely is sitting at a table outside with Keith Nicki goes to the table and sit kiss lovely cheek then sits down and shakes hands with Keith *

Keith: Hello Mrs. Maraj.

Nicki: It's just Ms.Maraj baby I was never married.

* Sb Comes up behind Nicki *

Sb: Almost tho!

Nicki: * Stands up * Almost don't count!

Lovely: * Stands up * Hi Daddy you sit over here...

*Lovely grabs sb hand then put him in the seat she was sitting at then Keith stands *

Keith: Hello Sir.

*Holds hand out to shake then Sb shakes his hand*

Sb: You can call me Sb

*Everyone sits down and lovely sits next to Nicki *

Lovely: Soo...I really invited you guys here because...I thought it was time for you guys to meet someone really close and dear to my heart...My boyfriend!Keith.

*Lovely and Keith smile *

SB: Yo what?

Nicki: Her boyfriend you heard her!

Lovely: Thank you, mommy.

* August Alsina walk by then comes back *

August: Hey Love, Hi Mama Nicki, Wasp Paps

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August: Hey Love, Hi Mama Nicki, Wasp Paps.

Lovely: Hey Auggie bear!

*Lovely hugs August  *

Nicki: Hey Aug, How is your mother?

*Aug and Nicki hug *

August: she's great, she's actually here too.

Nicki: We'll tell her I said hello.

Sb: Hey son.

*Sb and Aug shake hands*

Lovely: You guys get to know each other I need to go say hi!

*Lovely gets up and August grab her hand and they go to speak with Aug's mom*

Keith: May I ask who is August to lovely?

Nicki: Herex-boyfriend.

Sb: Her first everything!

Nicki: Sb shut up...They dated for a while after that but then lovely cut it off I don't know why.

Keith: Okay.

Sb: Tell me about yourself?

Keith: I'm a rapper...

Sb: * Mumbles * Lovely like singers.

Keith: Sir?

Sb: Nothing continue.

Keith: My gpa is-...

Sb: * Interrupts* We don't wanna hear school tell us about you. You know what I think we've heard enough! Your not her type and not good enough.

Nicki: Sb stoop!

*Keith glares at Sb then gets up*

Keith: Excuse my language but I'm not here to be good enough for you. I'm here for your daughter and tell her to call me when she needs me. An, to be honest, I'm here for her every time she has a breakdown and I talked her outta killing herself. All because she thinks she not good enough for anything and * Looks at Sb * Definitely yo bitch ass...* Walks away * Punk broke ass!

*Keith gets in his car and speed off*

Sb: WHAT DID HE MEAN " talked her outta killing her self "!?!?

*Lovely comes back and Look at Sb *

Nicki: I'll tell you later. Love let's go.

*Lovely and Nicki hurry up and leave Sb at the table confused *

Lovely: What happen?

Nicki: Nothing but I got a question?

Lovely: Yes?

Nicki: When are you going to come back home?

Lovely: I don't know...

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