Mother's Nest.

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Nye: Go!

Lovely: Bu...

Nye: Go!

* Lovely walks in the room and Nicki gets up. Meek grabs Nicki's arm and make her sit back down. Papi looks at everyone.*

Meek: Listen to her.

Nicki: Bu...

Meek: Listen to her!

* Nicki looks at Lovely.*

Nicki: Speak!

* Lovely goes to sit down.*

Lovely: Umm..Ok.

Nicki: Stand!

* Lovely stands there.*

Lovely: Mommy I wanna apologize for what I said to you that day. I just feel like sometimes you don't trust or believe in me. It hurt's when I'm always questioned. I just want to be like you and follow in your foot steps that's all. My success has always been cause of me and everyone knows that! Their not gonna think it's cause Jay or Chino or Keith or any other person i wanna talk to or date. But it doesn't matter cause I'm back single. But Ma you just need to trust me like you trust Nye.

Nicki: I accept your apology. An I do trust you Love I just don't trust people around you. I've been through a lot so I know how people work and act. I question so I will know not to make you feel bad or down about yourself. I don't want neither of you girls to be like me I want you girls to be better than me! I know but people still lie I mean look at your father! What happen? An I do trust you like I trust Nye but your my baby girl.

Lovely: He was disrespecting me the other night. Umm...Ma she only 1 second older than me.

* Nicki stands up.*

Nicki: I know baby but it doesn't feel that way.

* Nicki and Lovely hug.*

Lovely: I love you mommy!

Nicki: I love you too love bug!

* Nicki and Nye laugh and Lovely push Nye.*

Lovely: You told herr?!?

Meek: She told everyone.

Papi: Not me.

* Everyone laughs then Meek gets down on one knee. *

Meek: Onika Tanya Maraj will you marry me.

* Nicki Nyemiah and Lovely eyes get wide.*

Nic/Ny/Lo: YASS!!!

Papi: YAYY I got two sisterrrrs!

Lovely: YAYY wedding planning time!

* Nye pick up Papi and grabs Lovely hand and they go to the tech/ Art room. *

Meek: Their happier than us!

* Nicki kisses Meek and look at the ring.*

Nicki: No one is happier than me right now baby! I Love you!

Meek: I love you too!

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