The Club Loves the Maraj's!

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* Nye and Love walks in lovely's room*

Nyemiah: Lovely?

Lovely: Yea?

Nyemiah: What made you call Meek dad?

Lovely: I remember thinking if you push some one away long enough they'll leave. then I thought I wish it was the some.

Nyemiah: Wish what was the same?

Lovely: If you wish some one would stay long enough they'll stay.

Nyemiah: So missing dad kinda made you do it?

Lovely: I just know mom loves him and hey what's wrong with giving him a chance it's not like my real dad is here for me. But anyway let's get dressed!

* Nye goes to her room and they get dressed. Lovely calls their friends to meet them at the house and she call their security. Lovely grab her bag then she goes to Nye room and they go to the car and leave. Security meets then down the road and Their friends follow behind they pull up to the club and go through the back entrance.*

Dj: I just got word that the Maraj twins are here!

* The light scans across the club then it stop's on Nyemiah and Lovely. They smile then goes to their section.*

Security: Yo bruh get back!

Lovely: No! No Let him in, he's good.

* Chino walks in and him and Nye hug then he hugs Lovely. Everyone's sits and talk then Lovely order's her and Nye Apple juice and everyone else liquor. *

Chino: I can pass you some if you want ?

Lovely: No I'm good I wasn't planning on drinking tonight.

Dj: Okay we been jamming all night but we have a special guest here to perform! We're still working on the Minaj twins performing * He winks at Lovely and Nye * but until then we got THE GAME!

* Everyone in the club scream and Lovely's eyes get big then Nye looks at her and laughs.*

Nyemiah: I hope this wasn't a date!

Lovely: No but I didn't expect him to be hereeeee!

* The game starts performing *

The Game: You know I love you like cooked food, I'm a good dude
Let's hit the Roscoe's on Pico, I'm in a hood mood

* He winks at lovely and Lovely blush  *

I'm sittin' here thinkin' 'bout all the things I could do
So what you should do is
Play your position for Berkin bags, we poppin' tags
Her shoe game sick, we drinkin' Ace out of Red Bottles
True gang shit, fuck with me and you're famous
Kanye'd my bitch, now she's away from the nameless
Camera flashes from strangers, turn a Range to a manger
Jesus piece on the plate, yea my baby an angel

* The game Wink at Lovely again and she blushes really hard. Chino watch her and him then he takes lovely attention offa the game.*

Nyemiah: This is gonna be good!

* The Game finish performing and he make his way to Lovely's section.*

The Game: Wasp Love!

Lovely: Hey boo!

* They hug and smiles *

Nyemiah: Hey G!

The Game: Hey Nye!

Lovely: Game this is Chino. Chino this is the game.

Chino: Nice meeting you.

The Game: Same to you too bruh! So Nye Lovely I see y'all got y'all crew and security but I mean what do I expect from Nicki Minaj daughters.

Nyemiah: Yea you better believe that woe.

* The rest of the night The Game and Chino fight for Lovely's attention.*

Lovely: Well me and Nye is kinda getting sleepy so we're * Fake yawn* gonna head home.

*She does a Fake smile then gives Nye the lets go glance. Nye gets up and her and Lovely starts walking out with their security and Friends as the Club the boy's follow Nye and Lovely gets in the truck. The Game and Chino walks up to the car.*

The Game: Lovely you should come to the Gym with me tomorrow?

Lovely: Why should I?

The Game: So your gonna make this our thing now?

Lovely: * Nodes* Yep!

The Game: * Gets down on one knee* Lovely will you  please come to the gym tomorrow?

Lovely: I guess so.

*Nye glares at Lovely and Lovely looks at Nye then back at the game.*

Naw I'm just playing I will.

* He Kisses Lovely's hand  Wishes her and Nye a good night then goes to his car.*

Chino: Good Night Lovely I really enjoyed you today and I look forward to getting to know and hang with you more!  Have a great night Nyemiah.

* He kisses Lovely's cheek and goes to his car.*

Nyemiah: Why did we leave early I was enjoying the show.

Lovely: Shut upppppp!

* Lovely and Nyemiah laughs then they leaves and go home. They walk in the house go get cleaned up and Goes to the kitchen for a nightcap. After the nightcap they go back to their rooms and go to sleep.*

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