Please For give me?

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Papi: Lovely are you and Nye moving cause of me?

* He looks down sad. Lovely and Nye walks up to him and get down on their knees so their his hight. Lovely lifts up Papi chin and makes him look at them.*

Love/Nye: No Papi it's not cause of you. We're just getting older and we need space. Your always welcome to come to our house. We'll just be a phone call away and anytime you wanna spend then night you can just ask Ma and Meek okay?

*Papi nods then he hugs the both of them.*

Lovely: An next race I'm winning!

Papi: No me!

* They laughs.Nicki and meek walk down the steps. They walk outside to the moving van.*

Lovely: WAIT!

Nicki: What!

* Lovely gets out the car and run up to the house she touch it. Flash back of when she first learned to ride a bike come back then when she first started cooking when her and Nicki had multiple disagreement and she watch her whole life pass before her eyes.*

Lovely: Bye house take care of her!

* Lovely starts back walking to the car when Nye gets out. She hugs Lovely then she looks down the street and see's August. She tap Lovely.*

Nyemiah: Look.

* Lovely and Nyemiah both look at him.*

Lovely: Ugh.

Nyemiah: I'll see you in the truck but take that in the house y'all need privacy.

Lovely: Okay sis.

* Lovely walks into the house and August follows. Lovely stands there and August stands in front of Lovely holding flowers.*

August: One I just wanna say I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything I did and for everything I have done in the past to hurt you. I really would like a fresh start?

Lovely: I accept you apology but on the rest I have to think about it.

August: I understand and I'm just glad you accepted my apology.

Lovely: Now I have to go.

* They hug and lovely gives him a half way smile then they walk back outside and August goes to his house and Lovely gets in the Truck.*

Meek: Love you good?

Lovely: Yeah. *she looks at meek* i'm fine , Dad.

* Everyone looks at lovely shocked*

Nyemiah: WHAT!!!

Nicki: Did i hear you right?

Meek: Y'all stop before she take it back.

*Meek smiles at lovely then they pull off. They crack jokes and tell stories during the car ride then they finally pull up to the house. Everyone get's out the car as meek and his friends unload the van.*

Lovely: * Looks at Meek an his friends as they walk in the house.* Are you boy's staying for dinner?

Chino: Yea! Do you need a lil help?

Lovely: No we got it? I'm sorry i don't know your name?

Lovely: No we got it? I'm sorry i don't know your name?

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Chino: Just call me Chino.

lovely: Okay.

Chino: Ight.

*He starts walking back outside with the guy's*

Lovely: HEY

*He stops and looks at lovely*

Chino: Yeah?

Lovely: Me my sister and a couple friends are going to this club tonight you should link up with us.

Chino: Okay.

*Lovely goes back in the house smirking and Chino goes and continue helping Meek and the boy's*

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