Mr. and Mrs. Taylor

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* We didn't talk the whole weekend not even on the flight. Ma said he talked to her but i was too mad to  even care. We where back home he was in his man cave and I was in the kitchen cooking. I finally finished and some how he knew.He went looking for food then looked at me. *

Jayceon: You made lunch?

* I nodded and he looked around*

Where is it?

Lovely: I guess I was too dumb to make enough for you.

* I started eating and he just looked at me. He walked over to me and stood behind me. He hover over me for a while. I got chills for a second then next thing I knew he threw my plate. I stood up and felt his chest on my back. He was breathing hard and I didn't know what to do I wanted to punch him but also kiss him. I just started walking and he followed. I was almost out the kitchen then he turned me around chocked me as he pushed me against the wall. I moaned loud as fuck and he smirked. I tried to push him off me and he wouldn't budge. I started pounding his chest with my fist and he just looked at me then tears started streaming down my face. So i layed my head on his chest and he held me. I wanted to go full Mr. And Mrs. Smith on his ass but I wouldn't that's my baby. He picked me up and stared carrying me up the stairs. I squirmed my way out his arms and ran to our room. I slammed the door like his dramatic ass did and I stood there.he slowly made his way up the stairs and I looked around the room I stood by the dresser and he opened the door. I didn't know what happened inside of me but i just know I threw a vase at him and he looked at me. He stormed up to me and I didn't know what he was thinking. I punched him in the jaw and i tried to swing again but he cought my fist. He picked me up and threw me on the bed. What was you saying about divorce? He said in his deepest voice. My eyes got big and I didn't no I couldn't speak. He stood there for a second then took his pants off and I got out the bed so quick and stood on the side of it.*

Lovely: No we not bout to fuck! We not having rough sex , make up sex any kinda sex. I don't want you!

* He stood there and looked at me for a second then he charged at me and I kicked him. It knocked the wind out of him for a second. long enough for me to run to the bathroom and lock the door. I sat on the stairs by the tub and heard nothing then with one good kick the door was down. I stood up and he walked to me I moved towards the wall then he slapped me. Falling to the ground all I could see was red thinking did this bitch hit me he probably thought the same when I kicked him. He didn't even let me get up he wrapped his hand in my hair and dragged me out the bathroom. Slinging me into the bed he said get undressed. You said sparks fly when we're together so your not leaving me. I looked at him then at the door he did the same. As I tried to get up to run he ran in front of the door then I ran to my closet. knocking over the dresser I made it in and locked the door I started throwing clothes everywhere till I found it. An with another great kick this door was down too.*

Lovely: Jayceon stop just Let me leave. Give me my space!

* He stood there at the other end of the gun I was pointing at him. I waved for him to get out and he slowly started stepping back. Proceeding after him I some how convinced him to stay in the room as I went downstairs. Making it to the garage I got in my car then turned on the car. Speeding out of it I hit his car god he's gonna kill me is all I knew. I wasn't driving down the road a good minute and here was his red Bens speeding after me. Some how we made it back to the house with him chasing I guess I didn't pay attention to the roads. I got out the car with the gun in my hand and ran in the house.  He jumped out the car not putting it and park and all I heard was a loud ' BOOM'. I stopped not knowing where I would go to. he ran into the house and looked at me. His eyes felt like they were piercing my soul. He started running towards me again and this time 'BANG'. I woke up with a gasp and looked around the room. He wasn't there.I sat up in my bed and  breathing.*

~Lovely Thoughts~
Maybe I should go in another room and give him his space. I think he should have went to the other house with Meek and Future but I know he wanted to be here for me. Altho I wanna talk to him he still ain't shit and I can't. He pretty much called me a stupid ass hoe. I have never did anything to disrespect us as a couple and he knows that.

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