Meeting the family!

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Caiah: How do you not come home once you got married?

Nyemiah: I was busy in college.

Jelani: That's not an excuse. We won't be here forever.

Nyemiah: I'm sorry.

Lovely: UNCLES!!

Lovely runs to Caiah and Jelani and they hug then Jayceon walks up to them and hands them the twins.

Jelani: We heard a lot about y'all.

Caiah: Nicholas looks just like you Lovely definitely when you first came home. All evil and mean, mad at a world you knew nothing about.

Everyone laughed and Nyemiah walked out of the house towards the beach. Everyone looked at each other confused then Lovely followed behind.

Lovely: Nye, Nye wait up!

Nyemiah: What do you want?!?!

Lovely: I wanted to know what's wrong with my twin sister? I wanted to know why the good child left the family gathering? I wanted to know why the fuck am I getting attitude!

Nyemiah: I'm sick of living in you and moms shadow! I left because that's all I'm seen ass the good child. An I just-

Lovely: One I have no shadow and two at least your not seen as the evil child. An I'm compared to you every day, asked about my big sister. There's not a moment that I don't hear about you and how great you are. So don't act like that!

Nyemiah: I never thought about it that way, and I never knew that.

Lovely looks down and there standing at there spot. She smiles and gets on her knees in the sand she starts digging until a box is visible.

Lovely: Remember this?

Nyemiah looks at Lovely confused as Lovely pulls the box out the sand. She sits in the sand and grabs Nyemiah's arm eventually forcing her to sit down.

Lovely: This is where we made our pact.

Nyemiah: Lovely what are you talking about?

Lovely: Right here in this very spot many years ago, we made a pact. Us against the world. We cut our hands and joined our blood and made a pact of always and forever! Us against the WORLDDDD!

Nyemiah gives Lovely slight smiles then pulls a knife from her bag. She grabs Lovely hand and cuts the palm of it. Then Lovely grabs Nye hand and cuts the palm of it. They hold each other hand.m and join their blood.

Lov/Nye: Always and forever, us against the world!


Caiah: So what's there names.

Lovely: Uncle!

Caiah: I'm just teasing, Hello Lucas and Lauren.

Jelani: They got yah nose and those pretty eyes of yours.

Nyemiah: Thanks, Uncle.


Jelani: Ma ain't here yet!

Caiah: let's get some sleep we got a big day tomorrow.

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