Taking control

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* Lovely walks into her bedroom An see a dress and jewelry is laid out on the bed next to a note. *


I wanna say sorry and get dressed. I know you hate me right now but let's talk. I rather be your target practice than your Ex. A car will be at the house to pick you up at 6:00.

* Lovely looks at the clock and it 5:59.*

Lovely: He can wait for it.

* Lovely hop's in the shower then gets out at 6:15. She puts on the Dress and Jewelry Jayceon got her and proceeds to the car. After a 2 hour ride and Lovely sitting there writing her stories, they arrived at the place. Lovely got out of the car and looked at the building. She walks in the door and see's her name in pink big letters next to Jayceon. They stood there looking at each other for a moment then walked up to one another. *

Jayceon: To tell you the truth I don't know what to say to make you wanna stay and understand I fucked up. I know I talked to you dirty and recklessly. I just love you and I don't want anyone else to have or talk to you. It wasn't that I don't/didn't trust you I just don't trust men around you. Lovely, you're Aphrodite, Helen of Troy, your Lovely an unstoppable force that no one can live without once they have you.

Lovely: I wanna say sorry and next time you talk to me like that, I'ma smack the shit outta yo ass.

*Lovely walks up closer to Jayceon and kiss him.*

But I do think we need some time apart.

Jayceon: No, we married ain't no time apart.

* He cries and gets on his knees*

This was a simple mistake baby.

* Lovely rubs Jayceon face and look down at him.*

Lovely: I found out what you told the boys and damn if you feel that way about me then fuck we together for? Unless evil manipulative arrange conceded spoild bitches is your type?

Jayceon: Look I need you. I need us I can't do this without you.

* Lovely helps Jayceon up. *

Lovely: You can stay till the weekend but I can't...I can't be with someone who feels that way about me. An who's always turning my lifestyle against me, making me feel bad for how I was raised.

Jayceon: But...

* Lovely walks out the building and goes in get into the car. She go back home. *

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