A Test For Two.

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Nyemiah runs her some bath water and light the candels. She gets undressed as she turns on some music. She turn off the lights and grab her glass and whine bottle then she get in the tub.

Lovely: Nye?

Lovely opens the door and walks into the bathroom.

What's that? Is that a pregnancy test?

Nyemiah: Yes I'm relaxing and waiting for the results.

Lovely sit's on the floor and waits with Nyemiah.

What are you doing.

Lovely: I'm waiting with my sister for our pregnancy text.

Nyemiah: Can you take the other then?

Lovely: Sure.

Nyemiah: Thanks.

Lovely takes the other test and sits it next to Nyemiah's and they wait. Nyemiah gets out the tub and drys off. She goes and get dressed then She walks back in the bathroom.  Nyemiah and Lovely grab the pregnancy text an look at them.

Lovely: I think I got your's, it says pregnant.

Nyemiah: We'll, they Both do then.

Nyemiah looks confused and shocked.

They both do?

Lovely: No No No! Four weeks.

Nyemiah and Lovely Screams. Nicki and Jayceon runs in the room.

Nicki: What happen?

Lovely and Nyemiah pout then sits on the floor.

Nye/Lov: We're twins! I hate this at times.

Jayceon call's future to come in the house.Meek and Future runs in the house and into the room.

Meek: What happen?

Future: Yea, what's going on?

Nye/Love: We're pregnant!

Lovely gets up and walk to her room. Nicki follows as the guys talk to Nyemiah.

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