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 I get up to the blasting annoying sound of my alarm, dreading the day that is to come. For a moment I consider not even turning up but thinking of the biology exam I have coming up makes me reconsider. 'Rise and shine,' my mum comes in my room opening my curtains and my windows.

'Mum. I’m awake.'


'So, there is no need for you to wake me up.' She just rolls her eyes at me, ignoring what I just said.

'I heard about how I gave you permission to go out.' Oh, crap. I just stay quiet and do not say anything. 'You could've asked for you father's permission instead of making lies about me up Kiera.'

'And do you think that would have worked?'

'Well-' I cut her off and say ‘actually I don't care, just get out of my room!' I shout and she leaves my room. How can people be so two faced? I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, and then I take a quick shower. I go back to my room dressed in a towel and get dressed. 

I look in the mirror and stare at my reflection. The red mark on my cheek fails to disappear. Guess its more makeup for me today, lucky me (!)

I quickly get dressed and leave the house without even having breakfast. The less time I have to spend in that house, the better.


I get to school and instantly see Joe out in the yard playing football with his friends and Lucy talking to some girls on one of the benches. I look down and try to walk by unnoticed but obviously, that is too much to ask for because Joe calls out 'hey, Kiera, nice make up, did you use a brush or just dip your face in?'

'What the hell would you know about make up Joe?' I say as I turn around to face him.

'Clearly a hell lot more than you,' he replies and his friends just laugh.

'Well, I find that too hard to believe and it's just some eyeliner but what the heck would you know?'

His friends start making some noises and he replies by saying 'that's eyeliner? Oh I thought a sharpie attacked your face.' 

'Keep talking Joe, I always yawn when I’m interested,' I yawn and walk off but I hear him reply by saying 'keep talking Kiera, someday you'll say something intelligent.' I stop and turn around because he just crossed a line.

'Grow the hell up,' before walking into the school building.

I go to the library and think it'd be a good idea to start revising so I get my revision guides out and begin my revision. I feel someone's presence behind me so I turn around and it's Lucy. I can feel that today is going to be a great day (!)


'What do you want Lucy?'

‘Wow that is no way to speak to your best friend.'

'Former best friend and you can't exactly be my friend whenever you feel like it.'

'I was being sarcastic,' she says smirking.

'Oh,' I look down and try to hide my face in the revision guides. 'Where's Lily?'

'I don't know, she doesn't live in my pockets you know.' I roll my eyes at her and she just takes a seat. 'Why are you revising?'

'Oh you mean, apart from the fact that we have an exam tomorrow? Well stupid people kind of need to work harder to reach their goals.' She does not reply so I carry on talking, 'why are you sat here with some stupid person when you have your friends waiting for you outside?'

'You're not stupid, don't say that.' She replies quietly.

'Oh really so it's "stupid Kiera" one minute and "you're not stupid" the next, you are so goddamn two faced Lucy!' I shout and the librarian turns to look at us and loudly whispers 'Shhhs.'

After a few minutes of an awkward silence, the bell signals that it is time for registration and as we are in the same form, I decide to just walk with her. We leave the library room and as soon as she sees her friends, she walks off and leaves me. Talk about two faced. 

They enter the room and I enter after them. I go to the back and take a seat. 'Okay, listen up, instead of having Biology revision or English Literature, you guys are going to stay here with me and do some little activities.'

‘We are 16, what sort of "little activities" do you think are appropriate?' I ask Mr. Grey. 'Well, just doing activities as a class Kiera, if that's okay with you?' He asks sarcastically and I just nod.

'Wait, why are you doing this?' Lily asks. She is standing next to Lucy. Obviously as they have gotten close again.

'Well Lily, both your Biology and English Literature teachers are off sick.' I never would have come if I knew that our biology teacher was not going to turn up. That was the only reason I got out of bed this morning. Many cheers are heard around the room and Mr. Grey says 'okay, first let's just get registration out of the way.'

After registration is done, Lucy asks 'so what activities are we going to do?'

'Things that don't come up in lessons or whatever interests you and everyone will get to choose something to talk about and ask questions on it and everyone will answer. So first, who wants to take part and who would rather go to the common room?' A few pupils raise their hands and Mr. Grey allows them to leave the room. 'Okay, I want you all sitting in a row, fill up all the rows because I don't want any incomplete.' 

No one really knows what to do so Mr. Grey says 'Lucy, Lily, I want you sat at the back with Kiera, along with Joe, Max, Chris, Tom and James.' Why Joe and his friends? 'Seen as Kiera is sat in the middle, Joe sit on the edge beside her and Lucy sit on her other side, followed by Lily, Max, Chris, James and Tom.' Is he doing this on purpose?

When the class settles down, I begin to fidget. 'Stop fidgeting!' Lucy whispers.

'I tend to fidget when I’m uncomfortable.'

'And why on Earth would you be uncomfortable?'

'Your existence simply explains it,' I shrug my shoulders and she scoffs loudly.

'Lucy, Kiera be quiet,' commands Mr. Grey and we just nod. 'So, I’ll tell you how this is going to be, I'll pick a question of a certain topic and everyone takes it in turns to answer it. So my topic is stereotypes and my question is "what are some examples of stereotypes?" Starting at the back row, Joe, would you like to start us off?'

'Sure thing Sir.' Everyone turns to look at him and he says 'boys that get a girl pregnant will definitely leave.'

'Yeah, you'd know so much about that wouldn't you? I ask.

'Kiera zip it and well done Joe. Kiera, your turn,' finishes Mr. Grey.

'All blondes are stupid.'

'Excellent Kiera, you guys are getting the hang of this game.' Mr. Grey says proudly. Lucy looks offended and says 'that's not even true, all blondes are not stupid.' 

'Yes, I know, that is why it is a stereotype.' I reply. 'It's just stupid blondes like you that give the rest of us a bad name.' Lucy replies. I look at Mr. Grey and say 'sir, I don't feel like playing this game anymore; I’m just going to revise for our Biology exam in the common room.' I don't even wait for his answer because I’m out of the door with my belongings in my hand before he can even reply.

Yeah, I know a cowardly thing to do but what can I say? Plus, I would prefer to go to the common room.

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