Chapter 2

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I was stood with Pete and Bob at our usual spot. Right near the entrance in front of Pete's locker. Pete gasped suddenly, pulling on my arm.

"The fuck do you want?" I muttered.

Although I had already taken some Advil, my headache from the hangover was still slightly there.

"I think I found someone who's even more of a fag than Way," he said.

I looked over to where he was pointing. A boy--or who I assume is a boy--with long black hair and make up. He wore a pastel pink skirt with a white button up, white thigh highs, and pink shoes. On his back was a pastel pink leather back pack. There was a smile on his face as he practically skipped down the hallway.

"Who the hell is that?" Bob asked. "I'm sure he doesn't go here."

He came closer to us and stopped when Pete called him over.

"Are you a boy or a girl?" Pete asked.

"A boy," he replied cheerily. "My name's Gee, I'm new here."

"Why the fuck are you dressed like a girl?" Bob asked. "People are going to make fun of you."

"My mama always said it's better to be yourself and have everyone hate you than to be someone you're not and have everyone like you. Because if you aren't yourself then you hate yourself, and it wouldn't matter if a million people liked you because all that matters is that you like yourself because you're the only thing that matters," Gee said.

Who is this beautiful creature that was bestowed upon me?

"What a fag!" Pete exclaimed, pushing him down to the ground.

Gee's small body fell back onto his butt. He looked up at us with wide eyes, clearly not expecting to be assaulted. The halls were mostly empty at this point, making it so much easier. Pete brought a hand down on his face, knocking him down so the boy fell down on his side.

Pete and Bob continued to land blows on the poor, shaking boy as they hit and kicked him. I did nothing. I just watched with a look of uneasiness. Mikey was one thing, but this boy was younger and so much more cheerful and optimistic.

"What are you doing, Iero?" Pete asked.

I looked at him as he gestured to the boy. I bit my lip, landing a harsh kick to his stomach. Gee cried out, curling up into a ball with his arms wrapped around his middle.

"Yo, the Donaldson twins just texted me," Bob said suddenly. "Said to meet them behind the bleachers. You guys want that sweet ass?"

"You two go ahead," I said.

They laughed as they walked away, spitting on Gee before they left. I looked down at him as he was shaking and crying. He looked up at me with sad, hurt eyes. I didn't say anything as I held out a hand, helping him to his feet.

I left him there as I walked away, going back over to my class. Luckily it was last hour so I wouldn't have to be here for much longer. My teacher made no comment about me being late as I sat down in my seat in the back.

Ten minutes later and the door opened again. Gee stepped in slowly, his head cast down and the smile gone from his face. He talked to the teacher momentarily and she nodded.

"Class, this is our new student, Gerard," she introduced.

"I-I go by Gee," he said quietly.

Gee looked up at us and I could see the bruises that were starting to form on his face and arms. He spotted me and looked down again out of fear. Gee sat in a seat near the front. I sat bored for the rest of the lesson, watching Gee half the time.

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