Chapter 30

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I walked into school the next day, feeling irritated and heart-broken.

"Frankie!" Someone called.

I looked down the hall at Gee, who was pulled away by Mikey. As much as I wanted to go chase after him, I didn't want him to get into more trouble. I'm already getting him sent back to boarding school, I really don't want to make it worse for him.

The day seemed to drag on, going even slower without Gee by my side. I looked at my old lunch table, seeing Brendon with Pete and Bob, Jamia and Lindsey walking to them. They sat down at the table and laughed at something Pete had said. They seemed to be having such a great time, and I used to be there with them with their jokes and fun. It seems like a whole different world, a whole different me.

I looked at Gee's table, where I have been sitting recently. Mikey was there to today, most likely at his dad's request to keep me away. Gee was sitting with his normal friends that were there; Joe, Ray, Ryan, and Patrick. He looked sad, unlike usual, dressed in dark clothes. Gee wore a plain black t-shirt dress with black thigh highs and black doc martens. I frowned at the sight of him poking at his food, not taking a bite. It was even a grilled cheese sandwich, one of his favorites.

I reminded myself that this was all my fault, that I was the reason we were both so sad. If I had just stuck to the original plan, if I had just continued to push him away then this would've never happened. I knew if I did date him, then it'd be worse when he's gone. But now I have fallen for him, fallen harder than I ever thought I could. I wasn't sure if I can survive him being gone.

I shook my head, deciding it'd be best to not bother him. It'd be easier to just let go now before I like him any more. I tossed my lunch away because I've lost my appetite at this point now. I took one last look at Gee, seeing his eyes flicker up to me before I turned and walked away.

I got to the parking lot as I headed towards my car when I felt a hand tug on mine. I looked down at Gee, his quivering lip. It looks like he barely bothered to do his makeup, I don't think he even brushed his hair this morning. His eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"Daddy," Gee whimpered, nobody else around to hear. "C-can we just run away together?"

"I don't think that's a very good idea," I said quietly.

"Why?" Gee asked.

"Because I'm not a good person and you're so sweet, you deserve someone better than me," I stated.

"You're not a bad person," Gee denied.

"I am, I beat you up, I beat your brother up, I've called you names that you don't deserve," I insisted. "I think that maybe going to that boarding school will be the best for you."

Gee shook his head, fresh tears in his eyes. I kissed his forehead, turning to leave the school. If I didn't turn back, this would all be over. I just had to overcome the worst part and soon it wouldn't be such a big deal. I would be able to get over Gee. And yeah, it may take time but I can heal. I just keep on walking and our relationship would be completely over.

I couldn't help but look back. A million emotions running through me as I watched Gee curled up in a ball crying on the ground. I cursed myself for looking back, knowing now that I can't just turn away. I went over and picked him up into my arms. He hugged me tight, his warm, wet tears falling down onto my neck. I carried him to my car, helping him into the passenger seat.

"P-please don't leave me," Gee cried when I got into the driver's seat.

I held onto his hand, driving back towards my house. Gee clutched onto my hand as though he depended on it, holding it with both hands against his chest.

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