Chapter 22

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I met Gerard outside the school on that Thursday morning. I was feeling a lot better now, my cold was completely gone.

"Morning," I greeted.

Gee smiled, his hand reaching for mine. I instinctively flinched away, cursing myself from the hurt look on Gee's face.

"I'm sorry," I muttered, reaching over for his hand nervously.

"You don't have to be scared, I'm right here with you," Gee reassured.

I nodded, swallowing thickly as we went inside the school. I looked around at everyone who hadn't seemed to notice us. My free hand ran through my hair as I took a deep breath. I walked down the hall, hand in hand with Gee.

"Hey, what the fuck?" Brendon asked, laughing as he stepped in front of us with Bob.

Gee held my hand a little tighter out of fear while I scowled at them.

"Fuck off," I replied.

I went to step around them but they blocked my way.

"Are you fucking gay now or some shit?" Brendon asked.

I pursed my lips as I glared. "I said to fuck off."

This only made Brendon laugh harder.

"God, even you've become a faggot, Frank," Bob sneered.

I let go of Gee's hand, shoving Bob's chest.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" I asked.

"A fucking faggot," Bob spat.

I clenched my fist, swinging it forward and nailing him in the face. Brendon jumped forward as Bob stumbled back. He pushed me roughly, making me fall back against Gee, who had hidden behind me.

"Please don't fight, I don't want you to get suspended again and leave me here alone," Gee whimpered quietly.

I sighed, holding his hand as I turned away from Brendon.

"Hey, stop being a fucking pansy and come fight me!" Brendon called.

I ignored him as other people watched. Gee's hand slipped from mine as he was pushed face first onto the ground. I reeled around, my fist connecting with Brendon's jaw. I shook my hand, a slight pain in my knuckles. I helped Gee to his feet, hurrying him down the hall with me.

"Are you okay, baby?" I asked.

Gee nodded and I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. I kissed the top of his head, looking around self-consciously at the people who stared. However, Gee seemed to be happy now with the small smile on his face. We walked to his locker, more people still giving us weird looks.

"Is your hand okay, Frankie?" Gee asked worriedly when he finished putting the books he needed in his bag.

I realized I was rubbing it, helping to dull the pain.

"It hurts a bit, pumpkin, it's not bad though," I said.

Gee held my hand it is, bringing it up to his lips to kiss my knuckles.

"Do kisses make it better?" He asked.

I smiled, moving the hand he just kissed to run through his hair.

"Everything about you makes this better," I said quietly.

He smiled, going on his tip toes to give me a soft kiss. I held his hand as we walked towards his first class. The two of us stopped outside and he smiled. God, he looked so happy to be able to walk around holding my hand.

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