Chapter 28

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As we walked into my house and kicked off our shoes, Gee pulled me in for a kiss. And not the little pecks like he usually gives me. It was deep and hungry. I pulled away slightly but held onto his hips still.

"What's this for, baby?" I asked.

"A thank you for the date," Gee replied.

"You don't have to, sweetheart," I said.

"But I want to," Gee stated.

I smirked, my hand going up his dress. My fingers gently brushed over the semi in his panties and he whimpered.

"Daddy?" Gee whispered and I hummed in response. "C-can you please be, like, rougher? Like when you punished me?"

I cupped him roughly and he gasped. "Want me to treat you like a little slut, huh?"

Gee blushed and nodded.

"Stay here while I go grab some stuff," I said. "When I get back I expect your dress to be off."

He nodded and I headed down the hall to my bedroom. I grabbed the few stuff I needed and went back over to the kitchen. Gee stood there shyly with a flower crown on his head, pastel purple panties, and white thigh highs that had big pastel pink bows at the top. When he saw me, he seemed to think for a moment before dropping down onto his knees with his hands clasped in his lap. I smirked at stepped in front of him, setting the things onto the counter.

"Good boy," I muttered, running a hand through his hair.

He looked up at me with wide, innocent eyes. I grabbed the cat ears and held them out for him to see.

"I got these for you," I said. "I thought they'd suit you."

He smiled as I took off his flower crown and put the black cat ears on him instead.

"Daddy's good little kitten," I said quietly, caressing his cheek gently.

Gee hummed in content and leaned into my touch. I moved my fingers to his mouth and Gee greedily sucked on two of them while keeping his eye contact with me. I pulled my hand away and looked at his pout, the pout that quickly vanished when I began undoing my belt. He bit his lip when I pushed my jeans and boxers down around my thighs. I stroked myself slowly as Gee watched my hand and looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Please," he whimpered.

"Wanna suck my cock, babydoll?" I asked. "Make it all nice and hard so I can fuck you?"

Gee nodded and I moved a hand into his hair. He took that as the sign to lean forward, kitten licking the tip before taking me in a little farther. I groaned softly as he sucked gently, making my knees weak. Nowadays, Gee knows all the ways to make me swoon, whether it be sexual matters or just from him being cute.

His tongue ran over my slit and I couldn't help but jerk my hips forward. I looked down at him and thanked God for his very minimal gag reflex. He took more of me in, nearly going to the base. My grip on his hair tightened slightly and he moaned, the vibrations shooting through me and creating a tight knot in the pit of my stomach. He pulled off and whimpered quietly as he looked up at me and batted his eyelashes.

"Up," I ordered.

He stood up onto his feet and I turned him so his back was to me. I grabbed the pair of metal handcuffs and used them to cuff his hands behind his back. I bent him over the counter and ground myself against his ass. He whined, pushing back against me. I grabbed his pastel colored panties in my fist and yanked them down.

"Want me to fuck you, princess?" I whispered, leaning over him so I could speak quietly into his ear.

Gee nodded quickly and i clicked my tongue. My hand came down in a sharp slap on his ass, making Gee gasp and jump in surprise but then moan quietly and stick his ass back out for more.

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