Chapter 5

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This may seem fast but just trust me here


I set my mug down on the dresser next to Gerard's. Gee's room was rather large and rather girly. It had white floors with pastel purplish-pinkish walls that had white borders. A big bed sat in the center, curtains draping the corners of it with white bedspread and pale purple accents, a ruffled bed skirt covering the bottom. There were light pink night tables with matching dressers and a flower shaped mirror over one of them. Behind the bed was a pink sliding door, which I assumed opened up to a closet. There were white fur rugs spotted on the ground along the room along with small, circular chairs. There was a little section in the back that had a white bookshelf covered in toys and books. In that area, there was also a door that lead to a personal balcony. Across from the bed was a black wall-mounted flat-screen tv. By the door that leads to the room was a small white couch with little pink pillows and a white coffee table. By the couch, there was also a door that lead to an en suite bathroom. There were also little stuffed animals littered around the room here and there.

 There were also little stuffed animals littered around the room here and there

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Goddamn rich boy.

Gee hopped over to the closet, sliding open the door and revealing the nice, walk in closet. He stepped in and shut the door behind him and I sat down on the couch after closing the door behind me. A few moments later, Gerard stepped out and I froze as my eyes scanned over him. He wore a red plaid skirt with a white button up t-shirt, a solid black tie, a black blazer with white trimmings, and white thigh high socks.

"These aren't the actual socks," Gee said. "They're not this high they're only over the knee but I accidentally ripped a whole in them."

I couldn't really stop staring. Fuck, he looked sexy as hell. I actually really just wanted to bend him over a table and fuck him.

"What do you think, Frankie?" Gerard asked when I continued to stare.

"I-I think you look hot as fuck," I stated.

Gee's eyes widened as he blushed, looking down and shuffling his feet. I gestured for him to come over and he sat beside me. I smiled at him, scooting closer and resting a hand on his thigh. Gerard's blush deepened as I leaned in closer, leaving a gentle kiss on his lips.

"You're really pretty, Gee," I muttered.

"R-really?" He squeaked.

I nodded, kissing him again. Gerard kissed back hesitantly, giggling nervously when my tongue slipped into his mouth. My hand trailed up his thigh, my thumb softly rubbing the inside of the smooth, pale skin of his thigh. Gerard whimpered quietly, continuing to kiss me.

"Do you like this?" I whispered, pulling away barely an inch.

Gerard nodded his head and I moved him to straddle my hips.

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