Chapter 24

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I sat with Gee at our seats in journalism, holding his hand under the table.

"I need volunteers for the football game," the teacher said.

Gee raised his hand. "Can I please be the photographer, sir?"

"Of course," he said. "Who wants to work with Gee?"

I was about to raise my hand when Burt did.

"Great, it's here after school," Mr. Ackerson said.

I glared at the black haired boy and raised my hand.

"Can I do it with them?" I asked.

"The more the merrier!" He said happily.

I gave a smile at Gee and he smiled back.

"Have you finished that article yet, Andy?" Mr. Ackerson asked.

"Almost," Andy said.

"Email it to me once you're done," he said. "As for everyone else, continue on with the projects you were working on."

Gee went over to one of the computers against the wall and I sat at the one next to him. I logged onto the computer, opening the little article I had been working on. I felt Gee's lips on my skin as he leaned over to kiss my cheek. I looked over at his blushing cheeks while he hid his face in his hands.

"You're adorable," I muttered.

"Nobody's gonna be home after school," Gee said. "Can you please come over after the game?"

I smiled, nodding my head.

"Actually, I went by the drugstore on the way to school this morning and got you something," I said. "I mean, it wasn't anything expensive like your dad gets you but I thought you'd like it."

Gee smiled at me and held my hand. "Anything you get is great! Can I have it now?"

I shook my head. "Let's just wait until we get to your house, baby."

Gee pouted and I leaned over to kiss his lips.

"Frank, Gee, I want you to focus," Mr. Ackerson said.

I saw Gee look a little nervous because he got into trouble but he seemed more relaxed when I smiled at him. I pulled my hand from his, looking at the computer screen in front of me. My hands typed at the keyboard bordely, waiting for the class to end.

When it finally did, I shut off the computer and held Gee's hand as I stood up. The two of us grabbed our bags and headed out into the hallway. That's when Burt caught up to us with a smile.

"So, we're going to the football game now I guess, it starts in about half an hour," he said.

"You know, if you want to leave you can, me and Gee can handle it ourselves," I said.

Gee looked up at me with a sad look. "But it's more fun with more people. Like Mr. Ackerson said, the more the merrier. Oh please, Frankie, Burt is so nice."

I glanced over at Burt and sighed.

"Ok fine, he can come along," I said.

Burt looked a little confused but seemed to just brush it off. We headed off to the fields where about a third of the stands were filled and our home team was getting ready on the fields. The stands were opened and Gee's eyes lit up. He tugged on my arm and looked up at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Can I please get popcorn?" He asked. "I forgot my wallet at home."

I bit my lip, digging into my pocket and pulling out a dollar and a few pennies.

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