Chapter 16

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I stood with Pete and Brendon in the hallway the following Monday morning. It was just like any other day as the three of us stood by the lockers. Usually Bob was here too but he was out sick.

"Dude, look, it's the tranny," Pete said.

I glanced over at Gee who was walking down the hall, oblivious to our presence. He wore a black pinafore with a white button up underneath, black thigh high socks and black high heeled ankle boots.

"Hey, tranny!" Brendon called. "Come here!"

Gee looked over at us nervously. He glanced at me and I mouthed to him to keep walking. He bit his lip, turning and continuing on his way.

"Hey, what the hell?" Brendon muttered. "I feel offended."

The two caught up with him. I followed behind tentatively. Brendon grabbed the back of Gee's backpack, pulling him back, spinning him around, and slamming him against the locker. Gee whimpered, looking at them in fear and at me for help.

"Look at the little faggot who tried to run away," Pete spat, making Gee cower away and his eyes water. "You little worthless piece of shit. Nobody wants you here so you should just go back to your little school with all the rest of your stuck-up, snobby bitches and be the little tranny fag there before--"

"Hey," I interrupted.

"What?" Pete snapped, looking at me in annoyance.

"Maybe you should lay off him a bit," I suggested.

Brendon and Pete looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"God, you're the faggot now!" Pete exclaimed.

He pushed me and I fell back to the ground. They walked away and Gee kneeled down beside me, wiping away his tears.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Go away," I muttered, not looking at him.


"I said go away!" I repeated loudly.

He whimpered, standing up and hurrying away. I stood up in humiliation as people watched in awe at what happened. I don't want Gee to see me like this.

I walked to the bathroom, seeing two people in there washing their hands.

"Get out," I hissed.

They hurried out and I locked the door behind them. My friends are gonna hate me now. I'm gonna be alone. I don't wanna be alone.

I need to go back.

I hurried out of the bathroom down the hall. I searched around before stopping when I saw what I wanted. I wrapped him up in a hug, stroking his black hair lovingly.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you, baby boy, I was just upset and embarrassed," I whispered.

Gee sniffled quietly, returning the hug.

"It's okay," he muttered.

I cleared my throat, stepping back. Nobody was in the hallway at this point, which I was glad about. I wasn't exactly ready to come out to the whole school. Only Gee and my mom knowing is good enough for me.

"Okay, I have to go now," I said.

"Bye!" Gee chirped.

I looked around again to make sure no one was watching and leaned down to give him a quick kiss. I ruffled his hair as he shut his locker.

"Can you walk me to my class?" He asked hopefully.

I bit my lip.

"Fine," I agreed.

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